Scharver, Jeffrey Richard, 1stLt

 Service Photo 
 Service Details
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Final Rank
First Lieutenant
Last MOS
7565-Pilot HMA AH-1 Qualified
Last MOSGroup
Pilots/Naval Flight Officers
Primary Unit
1983-1983, 7565, 22nd Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU)
Service Years
1980 - 1983
First Lieutenant

 Last Photo 
 Personal Details 

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Home State
Year of Birth
This Military Service Page was created/owned by Cpl John Dufresne (Russ/Rusty Nails) to remember Marine 1stLt Jeffrey Richard Scharver (Major Disaster).

If you knew or served with this Marine and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE.
Casualty Info
Home Town
Last Address
Barrington, Rhode Island
Casualty Date
Oct 25, 1983
KIA-Killed in Action
Air Loss, Crash - Sea
Combat and Noncombat Operations
Location of Interment
Forest Chapel Cemetery - Barrington, Bristol Co., Rhode Island

 Official Badges 

 Unofficial Badges 

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Grenada Fallen
  1983, Grenada Fallen

  1983-1983, 7565, 22nd Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU)

From Month/Year
- / 1983
To Month/Year
- / 1983
22nd Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU) Unit Page
First Lieutenant
7565-Pilot HMA AH-1 Qualified
Base, Station or City
Not Specified
North Carolina
 22nd Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU) Details

22nd Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU)
Parent Unit
Marine Amphibious Units/Brigades (MAU/MAB)
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Sep 7, 2006
My Photos For This Unit
No Available Photos
85 Members Also There at Same Time
22nd Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU)

Giguere, John Patrick (Pat), Maj, (1972-1983) 75 7565 Captain
Rice, Ronald, LtCol, (1966-1989) 3 0302 Lieutenant Colonel
Butler, Alfred Lee, Maj, (1972-1984) 3 0302 Major
Humm, Michael, LtCol, (1966-2005) 43 4302 Captain
Cahn, David, Col, (1973-2008) First Lieutenant
Johnson, David, 1stLt, (1982-1984) 23 2301 First Lieutenant
Martin, Jonathan, Maj, (1974-1995) 18 1802 Second Lieutenant
Bustamante, Rick, GySgt, (1978-1988) 3 0321 Gunnery Sergeant
Cameron, Gregory, GySgt, (1983-1985) 96 9656 Gunnery Sergeant
Neidigh, Kelley, MSgt, (1970-1991) 63 6320 Gunnery Sergeant
Erhardt, William, SSgt, (1976-1983) 23 2311 Staff Sergeant
Gilpin, Earl Roy, MSgt, (1972-1992) 34 3432 Staff Sergeant
Matthias, Ken, GySgt, (1976-1997) 30 3043 Staff Sergeant
Megan, Frederick, SSgt, (1975-1988) 33 3381 Staff Sergeant
Metcalf, Pat, GySgt, (1964-1987) 2 0251 Staff Sergeant
East, Jonathan, Sgt, (1979-1992) 46 4641 Sergeant
Ford, Chris, Sgt, (1982-1986) 2 0231 Sergeant
Gargano, Edward J, Sgt, (1979-1984) 3 0351 Sergeant
Hall, Donald, Sgt, (1980-1991) 25 2537 Sergeant
Hitchcock, James, Sgt, (1980-1991) 3 0311 Sergeant
Lentz, Ray, Sgt, (1980-1985) 18 1831 Sergeant
Miller, Larry, SSgt, (1976-1990) 2 0231 Sergeant
Miller, Larry, SSgt, (1976-1990) 2 0231 Sergeant
Richter III, Richard, SSgt, (1980-2006) 13 1371 Sergeant
Sutton, Russell, Sgt, (1980-1986) 64 6413 Sergeant
Whittemore, Scott, Sgt, (1982-1989) 25 2512 Sergeant
Bartos, John, Sgt, (1980-1989) 13 1341 Corporal
Bender, Thomas, Sgt, (1982-1986) 8 0844 Corporal
Burlew, Shane, Sgt, (1981-1987) 21 2111 Corporal
Creagan, Jack, Cpl, (1981-1984) 8541 Corporal
Delia, Chris, Cpl, (1981-1985) 13 1371 Corporal
Detrick, Anthony, MSgt, (1983-2003) 23 Corporal
Dollarhide, Joel, Cpl, (1981-1985) 58 5811 Corporal
Evans, Thomas Allen, Cpl, (1981-1983) 3 0311 Corporal
Gardner, Joseph, Cpl, (1982-1986) 25 2531 Corporal
Groccia, David, Sgt, (1982-1988) 25 2533 Corporal
Harden, Wendell, MGySgt, (1980-2010) 23 2311 Corporal
Harrison, John, Cpl, (1982-1986) 25 2534 Corporal
Hookham, Robby, SSgt, (1981-2001) 11 1142 Corporal
Hopper, Eddie, Cpl, (1982-1985) 3 0331 Corporal
Johnson, Terry, Cpl, (1981-1985) 3 0331 Corporal
Liesse, Jim, Sgt, (1981-1985) 61 6132 Corporal
Monticello, Nicholas, Cpl, (1980-1984) 23 2311 Corporal
Perkins, Marvin, Cpl, (1981-1983) 3 0311 Corporal
Rauch, Christian, Sgt, (1980-1992) 11 1142 Corporal
Sharron, Patrick, Cpl, (1982-1986) 18 1833 Corporal
Soper, John K, Cpl 25 2542 Corporal
Spradlin, William, Cpl, (1978-1983) 60 6000 Corporal
St John Sr., John, Sgt, (1973-1987) 25 2531 Corporal
Whittemore, Scott, Sgt, (1982-1989) 25 2512 Corporal
Winesberry, Paul, Cpl, (1983-1987) 18 1833 Corporal
Yott, Paul, Cpl, (1980-1984) 33 3381 Corporal
Bradley, Tim, Cpl, (1981-1985) 13 1341 Lance Corporal
Brooks, Ricky, LCpl, (1982-1988) 25 2531 Lance Corporal
Bryan, Peter, LCpl, (1982-1986) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Campbell, Brian, LCpl, (1981-1984) 11 1100 Lance Corporal
Charles, James, LCpl, (1982-1986) 25 2531 Lance Corporal
COLEMAN, JAMES, GySgt, (1980-2002) 18 1833 Lance Corporal
Davis, Jerry, Cpl, (1982-1986) 8 0842 Lance Corporal

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