Photo Album of FREED, JOSEPH, Maj
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13 -24 of 91 images
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1964 2d Platoon Delta 1/9 1964
15 of 91
from  1967-1967, 0805, VMJ-4  album
This is the VERY FIRST organized Marine Corps infantry unit sent to Vietnam ... During the summer of 1964 the 2d Plt Delta 1/9 was ordered to Vietnam to provide active security for Marine Corps aviation assets at DaNang. Prior to this date, a rag-tag bits and pieces defense were all that was available. As the 'sapper' threat increased at DaNang, the need for a rifle platoon became evident. After 2 weeks of extensive training at NTA on Oki our reinforced platoon deployed. Plt Cmdr was Lt Carrol Zealy from Savannah GA. We stayed deployed in Vietnam from 29Aug until 13Oct 1964. We were relieved by a Marine Rifle Company from Oki, not sure which one. During our DaNang deployment we had very limited activity and did not lose a Marine. Lt Zealy did arrange for he and his NCO's to get out into the countryside by joining a Army SF unit and going on patrol with the SF and a Arvn platoon. I'm front row, second from left. I was 1st Squad Leader. Many photos and stories to be added re: this deployment. Semper Fi!
posted By FREED, JOSEPH, Maj
Aug 17, 2010

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