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U.S. Army
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Unit Directory
U.S. Marine Corps
3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Bn (3 LAR Bn)
Marine Air Support Squadron 3 (MASS-3)
Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 36 (MALS-36)
Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 39 (MALS-39)
Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 40 (MALS-40)
Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 42 (MALS-42)
Marine Wing Communications Squadron 2 (MWCS-2)
Marine Wing Communications Squadron 28 (MWCS-28)
Marine Wing Support Group 2 (MWSG-2)
MEU Service Support Group-32 (MSSG-32)
"The President's Own" United States Marine Band
(MCSF Det) Kamiseya Communications Complex, Kamiseya, Japan
1 Assault Group, Royal Marine Commando
1 MEF Advising Training Cell (ATC)
1 MEF Augmentation Command Element
100th Co
100th Rifle Co
102nd Replacement Draft
104th Special Rifle Co
107mm Mortar Btry
107mm Mortar Btry
109th Replacement Draft
10th AntiAircraft Artillery Bn
10th Bulk Fuel Co
10th Co
10th Co
10th Counterintelligence Team
10th Defense Bn
10th Engineer Bn
10th Engineer Co
10th Infantry Bn
10th Infantry Bn (Forrest Park, IL)
10th Marine Amphibious Brigade (10th MAB)
10th Marine Regiment
10th Recruit Battalion, Recruit Depot, Parris Island
10th Recruit Battalion, Recruit Depot, San Diego
10th Recruit Training Bn
10th Replacement Draft
10th Tank Bn
113th Co
114th Co
114th Co
115th Co
115th Co
115th Co
116th Replacement Draft
116th Reserve Marines
11th Amtrac Bn
11th Antiaircraft Artillery Bn
11th Armored Amphibian Bn
11th Comm Bn
11th Counterintelligence Team
11th Defense Bn
11th Engineer Bn
11th Infantry Bn
11th Infantry Bn.
11th Interrogation Translation Team (ITT)
11th ITT
11th Marine Ammunition Co
11th Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU)
11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU)
11th Marine Regiment
11th MCRRD
11th MEB
11th Military Police Co
11th Motor Transport Bn
11th Recruit Battalion, Recruit Depot, Parris Island
11th Recruit Battalion, Recruit Depot, San Diego
11th Regiment
11th Replacement Battalion
11th Replacement Draft
11th Reserve District
11th Tank Bn
121st Co
12th Antiaircraft Artillery Bn
12th Co
12th Co, 2nd Marine Regiment
12th Counterintelligence Team
12th Defense Bn
12th Dental Co
12th Marine Corps District
12th Marine Corps District
12th Marine Corps Reserve and Recruitment District
12th Marine Corps Reserve District
12th Marine Depot Co
12th Marine Littoral Anti-Air Bn (12th LAAB)
12th Marine Littoral Regiment
12th Marine Regiment
12th Recruit Battalion, Recruit Depot, Parris Island
12th Recruit Battalion, Recruit Depot, San Diego
12th Rifle Co
12th Signal Co
131st Co
136th Anti-Aircraft Co
136th Infantry Co
138th Co
138th Co
13th Motor Transport Bn
13th Antiaircraft Artillery Bn
13th Co
13th Counterintelligence Team
13th Defense Bn
13th Engineer Bn
13th Force Recon Co MarForRes
13th Infantry Bn
13th Interrogation Translation Team (ITT)
13th Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU)
13th Marine Corps District
13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU)
13th Marine Regiment
13th Recruit Battalion, Recruit Depot, Parris Island
13th Recruit Battalion, Recruit Depot, San Diego
13th Recruit Training Bn
13th Regiment
13th Replacement Bn
13th Reserve District
140th Co
147th Marine Brigade (RVN) USMC Advisory Unit
148th Co
14th Antiaircraft Artillery Bn
14th Defense Bn
14th Infantry Bn
14th Marine Regiment
14th Naval District
14th Replacement Bn
14th Rifle Co
14th SCAMP, Mobile, AL
14th Staff Group
151st Co
155MM Btry
155mm Gun Bn
155mm Gun Btry
155mm Gun Group
15th (A) Co
15th AAA Bn
15th Antiaircraft Artillery Bn
15th Co of Marines (mounted)
15th Co, 2nd Marine Regiment
15th Defense Bn
15th Interrogation Translation Team (ITT)
15th Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU)
15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU)
15th Marine Regiment
15th Replacement Battalion
15th Separate Bn
16th (I) Co
16th Antiaircraft Artillery Bn
16th Co
16th Co
16th Defense Bn
16th Infantry Bn
16th Marine Corps Reserve Recruiting District
16th Marines (Engineer)
16th Naval District
16th Replacement Battalion
16th Rifle Co
16th Staff Group
175th Co
17th (A) Co
17th Antiaircraft Artillery Bn
17th Co, Artillery Bn, Cuba
17th Defense Bn
17th Interrogation Translation Team (ITT)
17th Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU)
17th Marine Depot Co
17th Marines
17th Marines (Engineer)
17th Provisional Marine Co
17th Replacement Draft
17th Rifle Co, Evansville, IN
17th Rifle Co, Witchita KS
17th Service Bn
182d Co
187th Co
18th (E) Co
18th Antiaircraft Artillery Bn
18th Defense Bn
18th Infantry Bn
18th Marines
18th Provisional Marine Co
18th Rifle Co
18th Service Bn
196th Co
197th Co
19th Counterintelligence Team (CIT)
19th Interrogation Translation Team (ITT)
19th Marines
19th Provisional Marine Co
19th Replacement Battalion
19th Replacement Draft
1st Armored Amphibian Co
1st Composite Radio Co, FMFPAC
1st Counterintelligence Team
1st 105mm Howitzer Btry
1st 155mm Gun Bn
1st 155mm Gun Btry
1st 155mm Howitzer Bn
1st 175mm Btry
1st 3 Inch Field Btry
1st 75mm AAA Bn
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