Vietnam Veterans Memorial Memorial

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Vietnam Veterans Memorial
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13,607 marines were killed and 88,633 wounded

A Wall That Heals

Deliberately setting aside the controversies of the war, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial honors the men and women who served when their Nation called upon them.

This is a page dedicated to honoring all of our  Vietnam Fallen. If you have a Vietnam Fallen
profile, please add this association to their profile.

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15574 Enrolled

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Member Roster
15574 Enrolled 0 Eligible All Members
03 Aarde, James Raymond (Jim), LCpl -Fallen  03 Aaron, Michael Peter, Pvt -Fallen 
03 Aasen, David Kim, LCpl -Fallen  23 Abbate, Richard Clark (Rich), Cpl -Fallen 
03 Abbenhaus, Gerald Robert, Jr. (Jerry), PFC -Fallen  03 Abbott, Harold Wayne, PFC -Fallen 
03 Abbott, John William, 1stLt -Fallen  03 Abbott, Raymond Lawrence (Ray), Cpl -Fallen 
03 Abbott, Terry Michael, Pvt -Fallen  21 Abene, Charles Frederick, Capt -Fallen 
03 Abeyta, Ernest (Ernie), PFC -Fallen  03 Abeyta, Tony Genevevo, LCpl -Fallen 
03 Abina, Robert Thomas (Bobby), PFC -Fallen  03 Abmeyer, Kenneth Ronald R.., LCpl -Fallen 
03 Abner, Carl Edward, LCpl -Fallen  03 Abolins, Janis ("John"), PFC -Fallen 
03 Abraham, Arley George, PFC -Fallen  03 Abrams, John Alan A.., LCpl -Fallen 
99 Abrams, Lewis Herbert H., Col -Fallen  03 Abshire, Richard Franklin (Rick/Abby), Sgt -Fallen 
03 Acevedo, Richard Joseph (ACE), LCpl -Fallen  03 Achas, Robert John . ("Bob"), LCpl -Fallen 
03 Achison, Timothy Eugene (Tim), LCpl -Fallen  03 Achord, David Paul, PFC -Fallen 
03 Achterhoff, James Patrick (Jim), LCpl -Fallen  03 Acker, Odell Bernard Pate, Jr. (Pinky), PFC -Fallen 
03 Ackerman, Rex William, PFC -Fallen  03 Ackley, Gerald Levie, Sgt -Fallen 
03 Acosta, Daniel, PFC -Fallen  03 Acosta, James Arthur A.., Jr., LCpl -Fallen 
03 Acosta, Jose Francisco, Cpl -Fallen  03 Acosta, Loyd Dean, LCpl -Fallen 
FMF Acton, David August A., HN -Fallen  03 Acton, Tom Perry P., GySgt -Fallen 
03 Acunia, Edgar, LCpl -Fallen  01 Adair, William Michael (Mike), Sgt -Fallen 
03 Adame, Gilbert Jimmie, Jr. (Chino), PFC -Fallen  03 Adames, Santiago Dejoyes, Jr. (Jimmy ), LCpl -Fallen 
18 Adamoli, Rowland Joseph (Mo), Cpl -Fallen  13 Adams, Bert Morris, III, Cpl -Fallen 

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