Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F) Military National

Administered By : Marine Corps, Association, (2008-2008)

Reunion Information
Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)
Association Type
Military National


Contact Phone Number

Contact Email
Year Established

Short Name
HQ Address



The Marine Corps Association was formed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on 25 April 1913, by Marines of the 2d Provisional Brigade.  John A. Lejeune, then a lieutenant colonel, headed the MCA&F's first executive committee.  In a statement signed by members of the committee, Lejeune and his fellow officers declared the MCA would publish the history of the Marine Corps and disseminate -information concerning the aims, purposes and deeds of the Corps, and the interchange of ideas for the betterment and improvement of its officers and men-  That objective continues to drive the Association today and the creation of the Marine Corps Association Foundation in 2009 allows MCA&F to expand our reach and message to Friends of the Corps.

 To be the preeminent association and foundation for ALL Marines and friends of the Corps dedicated to development and recognition of professional excellence and expanding awareness of the rich traditions, history, and esprit of the United States Marine Corps.


To support the Marine Corps by disseminating knowledge of military art and science among Marines 

To provide opportunities for professional development for Marines 

To foster the spirit and preserve the traditions of the Marine Corps throughout the Marine Corps family.


 The Marine Corps Association & Foundation (MCA&F), a non-profit organization, is the preeminent professional organization for all Marines. The MCA&F understands and respects the achievements and sacrifices made by Marines and their families while serving this great nation.  Once a Marine, Always a Marine!
MCA&F will continue to meet the needs of our members in the technology-driven 21st century with an expanded web experience, Mobile Apps, dynamic, online access to Leatherneck and Marine Corps Gazette and enhanced professional development and recognition for Marines.

Leatherneck Magazine ( was founded in 1917 at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia for members of the United States Marine Corps. The magazine is sometimes referred to as the "Reader's Digest" for Marines. Leatherneck Magazine was an official Marine Corps publication until 1972. In 1976 The Leatherneck Association merged with the Marine Corps Association. MCA&F continues to publish Leatherneck Magazine alongside the Marine Corps Gazette ( The Gazette is the professional journal of the Marine Corps. It provides a forum for those who want to contribute ideas to the essential, continual evolution of the USMC by suggesting new policies, practices, and procedures to help move the Corps forward.

The MARINE Shop ( is also owned by MCA&F. With two locations, one in Quantico, Virginia, and one in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. The MARINE Shop was founded in 1962 by the late Major Harry Elms, USMC (Ret), is the most prestigious provider of Marine uniforms and accessories, and now serves Marines around the world through its online store.

MCA&F's online capabilities include web sites for MCA&F, the Foundation (MCAF), Leatherneck, The MARINE Shop and the Marine Corps Gazette.  Links to all of these pages can be found in the web tab on this page.

To see how the MCA&F benefits you and your fellow Marines, visit:


The Marine Corps Association & Foundation (MCA&F) is committed to acknowledging the professional accomplishments of Marines and Sailors. Your donations and membership in MCA&F make it possible for our morale-building awards program to recognize outstanding achievements of active duty Marines and supporting Sailors serving globally. MCA&F provides awards to nearly 9,000 Marines annually.

MCA&F Professional Events

Corporate sponsors enable MCA&F to provide a wide range of professional events in direct support of our continuing mission. As a member, you will receive discounted member pricing to attend selected professional events hosted by MCA&F; such as Professional Luncheons, the Ground and Ground Awards Dinners, the Ground Logistics awards Dinner, the C4 Awards Dinner, the Combat Development Dinner, the MCA&F Annual Dinner, and the Ammo Tech Awards Dinner. Our events have featured distinguished guests such as Gen James Conway, USMC (Ret), former Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen James Amos, Commandant of the Marine Corps, LtGen Joseph Dunford, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, BGen Lawrence Nicholson, LtGen Dennis J. Hejlik, Gen David Petraeus, and Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates.

MCA&F Commanders Forums

The Foundation provides grants and assists Commanders develop and provide forum opportunities specifically tailored to enhance Marines -and Sailors- knowledge of the operational matters from a historical, cultural, or operational perspective. The forums range from presentations and discussions with noted authors and scholars that help prepare units for current operations to classical battle studies. Participants in the battle studies may walk the ground with experts in order to better understand the history and lessons learned from these famous battles and campaigns.

USMC Professional Reading Program

MCA&F is the premier provider of all in-print books listed on the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program. Visit The MARINE Shop online (,431.html) to shop with your membership discount. The MARINE Shop stocks a wide inventory of books spanning the spectrum of military history, operational art, global security issues and related topics. As a member of MCA&F, you will have the opportunity to meet authors and purchase signed books at membership discount prices. All of our book signings and other special events are posted on our web site professional events schedule. MCA&F members also have the opportunity to call the stores toll-free to order signed books in advance of a scheduled book signing.

The Commanders' Unit Library Program

MCA&F sponsors the Commanders- Unit Library Program.  The purpose of this program is to help establish and sustain unit professional libraries. Libraries are the bedrock of our professional development effort. Funds from MCA&F allow commanders to select books from the USMC Professional Reading List. The USMC reading list contains timeless military classics as well as recent books on emerging areas of interest in current military operations and cultural understanding.  This program also provides the Leatherneck and Marine Corps Gazette for wounded Marines as well as copies of these magazines at recruiting offices.

Wounded Marine Support

MCA&F assists in challenging and serving Marines who have been severely injured or have been emotionally and mentally scarred. Instead of allowing wounded warriors to sink into the doldrums of just being a patient, the professional organization works with the Wounded Warrior Regiment and supports "Survive to Thrive" Marines in keeping them thinking like Marines. 

Each month, MCA&F provides a free copy of Leatherneck and Marine Corps Gazette to wounded Marines in veteran's hospitals through the support of the Marine Corps Veterans Association.  Inside each magazine is an application for a free one-year membership to the organization. MCA&F strongly supports Wounded Warriors by providing enrichment programs for wounded Marines, and libraries of professional books on iPods and Kindles to Marines with impaired or lost vision or who are confined to wheel chairs to help them with continued professional development.
Wounded Warriors trip to Gettysburg

WATCH: MCA Takes Wounded Warriors to Gettysburg! | Marine Corps Association Foundation


You too can make a difference! Help MCA&F Support our Marine simply by joining the professional association. With access to Marine Corps Gazette and Leatherneck magazines, which come with every membership, you can stay informed on the issues affecting Marines as well as on unfolding Marine history.  Through the support of our MCA&F members, and revenue from our retail activities by The MARINE Shop, and, MCA&F recognizes deserving Marines, and supports their professional development.

Members receive many benefits including access to magazines, discounts with affinity partners and member value pricing at MCA&F retail locations.


Your Donation supports all of MCA&F's professional programs, above.

To see how, visit:

* Your donation may qualify as a tax-deduction. We recommend you talk to your tax preparer. 

Membership is open to all active duty, Reserve, retired and honorably discharged Marine veterans. Also eligible are members of our sister services who are serving with Marine Corps units. Spouses, children over 15 years of age of MCA members and unmarried former spouses or widows of MCA members are eligible for membership. Parents and guardians of Marines and civilians working for the Marine Corps or Marine-related organizations are also eligible for membership.

Why join the Marine Corps Association?



The Marine Corps Association was formed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on 25 April 1913, by Marines of the 2d Provisional Brigade.  John A. Lejeune, then a lieutenant colonel, headed the MCA&F's first executive committee.  In a statement signed by members of the committee, Lejeune and his fellow officers declared the MCA would publish the history of the Marine Corps and disseminate -information concerning the aims, purposes and deeds of the Corps, and the interchange of ideas for the betterment and improvement of its officers and men - That objective continues to drive the Association today and the creation of the Marine Corps Association Foundation in 2009 allows MCA&F to expand our reach and message to Friends of the Corps.

 To be the preeminent association and foundation for ALL Marines and friends of the Corps dedicated to development and recognition of professional excellence and expanding awareness of the rich traditions, history, and esprit of the United States Marine Corps.


Direct Reporting All Chapters  
Camp Tarawa (Kona, HI) Hiram I. Bearss Detchment 89 (Indianapolis, IN)
Jacksonville Chapter (Jacksonville, NC) Sgt.William L. Dixon Chapter (DuBois, PA)

Association Photos
Member Association

3693 Enrolled

0 Eligible


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3 Photos

0 Pending

436 Joined


Available Badges
324.jpg 521.jpg 1885.jpg 2631.png

Member Roster
3693 Enrolled 0 Eligible All Members
01 Aaglan, Stewart Mark, Sr., GySgt -Deceased  03 Aaron, James, LCpl 37
Abbott, Daniel W. (Gunny (N7DWA)), GySgt 13 02 Abdallah, Rick (*) 230
25 Abplanalp, Mark (applejack), Cpl  03 Ace, John Jay. (Sgt. Rock), Sgt 15
03 Acevedo, Michael (Ace), Cpl 316 62 Ackerman, William (Wild Bill), SSgt 63
57 Ackers-Akacich, Tristan, WO 193 18 Ackley, Charles (grape ape), Cpl
60 Adams, Durwood M. (Woody), GySgt 1 26 Adams, Jay A A. (Jay), SSgt -Deceased 
58 Adams, Jim (Jim Adams), CWO4 5 03 Adams, Kenny, Cpl 107
06 Adams, Silas, Sgt  03 Adams, William, Jr., Sgt
58 Adamsen, Marc M. (Gunny A), GySgt 132 03 Adermann, Robert William (Bob), SSgt -Deceased 
61 Adkins, Bobby (BJ), GySgt 14 02 Adrianza, Roosevelt A.., MGySgt 13
35 Aguirre, Walter (SLUGGER), Cpl  01 Ahlgren, Timothy D. (Tim), Cpl 2
28 Aimee, Jocelyne (Seguin), MSgt 4 Ainscoe, Charles B.., 1stSgt -Deceased 
58 Ajinga, Jonathon (Deputy Dawg), Capt  33 Alarie, Ryan, Sgt 12
Albano, Joseph (Joe), 2ndLt  08 Albano, Peter (Turk), Cpl 144
03 Albaugh, Paul, III (All Balls), SSgt 03 Albright, Ronald (Sgt), Sgt
Alderfer, Josh, Sgt  01 Alexander, Debbie (Simmons), MSgt 30
63 Alexander, Ed (Ed), MSgt  03 Alexander, John, MGySgt 31
Alexander, Virginia -Family  08 Alger, David (David), Capt 
64 Alimia, Paul, Cpl 9 Allen, Bobby L., SgtMaj 4
08 Allen, Danny, MGySgt  25 Allen, David (dirty Dave), CWO3

Eligible Units

RSS Feeds

Association News and Events
Aug 02, 2017, MCA&F Archive Photos 3
May 10, 2011, MCA's New Blog Site
Association Chapter Documents
 This section is reserved for any documentation files (PDF/DOC/PPT/TXT/XLS) you wish to upload.

Association Web Links

Association Calendar  

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