November 2008 Newsletter 

Quotable Quotes

"In any institution or undertaking, the importance of people transcends all else."
Gen. Robert H. Barrow, USMC
27th Commandant of the Marine Corps
Marines, "Dogs from Hell"

Belleau Wood, France.  Summer 1918.  A scorching heat wave.  Marines scrambling up a steep hill towards their foe.  Breathless, on all fours from their exertion, foam flowing out of the sides of their gas masks, bloodshot eyes piercing the souls of the enemy.  Marines killing everything in their path.  The Germans, petrified by their very sight, did the only thing left to do.  

“Teufelshunden, Teufelshunden,” they cried.  They were being attacked, literally, by "dogs from hell" –Teufelhunden.”  Their distorted forms seemed other-human.  Their trail of destruction unmatched. And so goes the legend.

The story, according to sources, is unverified by German records.  And it is possible that there were only a handful or even one German soldier that spoke this line.  An official German report, however, classified the Marines as "vigorous, self-confident, and remarkable marksmen ..."  Nevertheless, the story has been repeated over and over ever since.  And 90 years later, regardless of differences in German spelling, United States Marines are still proudly known as Devil Dogs.

Now firmly a part of Marine Corps lore, it gave rise to our mascot, the veritable bull dog; been tattooed on the arms of countless Marines for decades; and has been regarded as a name of honor.

Another common story holds that the nickname was adopted from the diary of a German soldier who was killed in action.  In it, he apparently referred to Marines as "dogs of the devil" for their fighting spirit and tenacity. In a May 18, 1918 letter home, taken from the book “Dear Folks at Home,” published just a year after the war in 1919, Marine Corporal Willard P. Nelligan wrote his take on the name:  “ … and when we went over after them and got in close quarters with them, they threw down their guns and ran, yelling, "They're Americans!" and "Teufelhunden!" (devil dogs). That's what they call the Marines down at Verdun.

Here's how we got the name:

“We had our patrols out every night in No Man's Land down there, and kept pestering the life out of them until they thought they would teach us a lesson; so they sent a raiding party, two hundred and fifty strong, to take our trenches and incidentally to get some prisoners. But we cut them to pieces, and instead of capturing any of us we captured most of them. They figured it was no use trying to capture any Marines, and they then nicknamed us 'Teufelhunden." It must have spread down the line, because when we went over the top after them they started yelling, as I said before. So when the word goes down the German line how we smashed their best troops, I think they will consider us a little better than just raw men with uniforms.”

Fact, fiction or a little of both, Marines, by and large, hold the name “Devil Dog” with pride.
Bois de la Brigade de Marine Today

Today, that place of battle remains hallowed ground.  That summer of 1918, the Germans left over 8,600 men on the field of battle while Americans left over 1,800.  After the battle, the French renamed the woods, "Bois de la Brigade de Marine" ("Wood of the Marine Brigade") in honor of the Marines.  The French government also later awarded the 4th Brigade the Croix de Guerre.  Whether the Germans gave Marines the nickname or not, it can be said with confidence that the Marines fought with valor and ferocity.  The name Devil Dog is suitably appropriate.
Tucked away at the convergence of the D9 (the road to Château-Thierry) and the D139  lays the ancient village of Belleau, France, just 54 miles from Paris.

Within the heart of this forever-historic place, is a moss-banked fountain which has become ~ by a quirk of history ~ a central symbol in the lore of the U.S. Marine Corps.

The iconography of the fountain predates the arrival of the Marines in 1918.  The "bulldog" of the fountain is, in fact, a bull mastiff, one of the hunting dogs for which the Chateau of Belleau was famous.  It was to this same Chateau of Belleau which Belleau Wood, Bois de Belleau, belonged by tradition. The cold water which gushes from the mastiff's mouth is the "beautiful water," belle eau, for which the village itself was named.

When the Marines took Belleau Wood from the Germans in June, 1918, they had just been dubbed Teufelhunden by their opponents, a sobriquet which the Leathernecks quite obviously adopted.  Almost at once, depictions of fierce helmeted hounds began appearing on recruiting posters and even in the letters like Corporal Nelligan’s.  And so it was that when the first Marines entered the shattered, abandoned village of Belleau, begrimed by battle and the unrelenting heat, they must have greeted the sight of this venerable canine with particular delight.  For only in the wake of one of their fiercest battles up to that time could they luxuriate in the clear and cooling stream, slaking thirst and swabbing their steaming necks.  In the very act of replenishment, in a ritualistic partaking of restorative water bestowed by the beast, they affirmed, as though with a warriors' toast of raised aluminum cups and canteens, the newest and hardest-won symbol of the Corps: Teufelhunden ~ Devil Dogs ~ Bulldogs of the Marne.

Semper Fi Devil Dogs.  Happy 233rd birthday!
Marine Corps humor from times past...

We commonly feature the SemperToon of the Month in this Newsletter, a series of modern-day comics that lampoon life in the Corps by GySgt Wolf (Ret).  As many of you are aware, however, comics about life in the Corps are nothing new.

TWS Member Cpl Bruce Timby was kind enough to provide us with a digital copy of a 1958 publication entitled "Recroot Daze (This is your life)" by 1stLt Robert L. Fischer, published by Ace Mimeo and Mailing Service, San Diego, 1958.

To help reflect on our Marine Corps heritage, we will include a selected comic from this book each month to look back 50 years into the history of our Corps.

This month's selection "Tun Tavern Drille"

  Recroot Daze

Useful Military Links

Defenselink -- The OFFICIAL source of news and information from the Department of Defense, related agencies and all military branches.
Multi-National Force - Iraq -- Official website of MNF-I.
Multi-National Corps - Iraq -- Official website of MNC-I, "Leading the transformation of Iraq."
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) -- Official website for coalition forces in Afghanistan
The Pentagon Channel -- 24-hour broadcasts of official military news and information for members of the US Armed Forces through select stateside cable systems, and overseas via American Forces Network (AFN).
My -- American Forces Network (AFN) provides multi-channel, broadcast-quality radio and television services and expanded internal information products to all DoD members and their families stationed overseas, on contingency operations, and onboard Navy ships around the world. We Bring You Home.
Military Homefront -- A DoD Web portal for reliable Quality of Life information designed to help troops and their families, leaders and service providers. Whether you live the military lifestyle or support those who do, you'll find what you need!
Stars & Stripes
-- The DoD-authorized UNOFFICIAL daily newspaper for US Forces overseas, printed in European, Pacific and Mideast editions.
Department of Defense Educational
Activity (DoDEA)
-- DoDEA operates more than 218 public schools for grades K-12 in 14 districts located in seven U.S. states, Puerto Rico, Guam and 12 foreign countries to serve the children of military service members and Department of Defense civilian employees.
Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
-- The military's largest retailer. A mission-essential, and the premier quality of life provider for all DoD military members, civilians, contractors and their families worldwide.
Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) --
The Navy's Family Store providing quality goods and services at a savings and supporting the naval quality of life programs.
Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) -- Delivering the premier quality-of-life benefit to military members worldwide.
United Service Organizations (USO) -- The USO supports U.S. troops and their families wherever they serve. Across the United States and around the world, the American military knows that the USO is there for them. Until Every One Comes Home.
Space Avaliable Travel fact sheet -- Answers to the most common Space A travel questions, courtesy of the 60th Air Mobility Wing, Travis AFB, CA.

NAVY - All Hands


ARMY - Soldiers

AIR FORCE - Airman

COAST GUARD - Coast Guard

Navy World Wide Locator
-- For locating individuals on active duty, those recently discharged, and current addresses for retired Navy service members.
Navy Retired Activities Branch -- Keeps the retired community informed of their benefits and provides customer service to Navy retirees and their families.
Shift Colors
-- The Magazine for Navy Retirees.



ARMY - AR 670-1

AIR FORCE - AFI 36-2903


Global Terrorism Incident Map If you want to know what is going on in the world of terrorism, threats, explosions, airline incidents, etc., keep this web page. It's not just about terrorism - it's about what is happening every day, every minute some place in the world that could affect all of us in some way. It updates every 30 seconds, constantly. You just click on any map icon for full info at any time. Global Incident Map
TWS Fallen Marine Memorial Project

TWS is a place to honor the service history of all Marines who served including those who fell in combat. So that they will not be forgotten, we have created a special facility where any TWS Member can post a Remembrance Profile for a Fallen Marine they knew or would like to honor, and this can be accessed via the "Remember a Marine" link on the LH Home page. We have also developed an important feature which will enable TWS Members to adopt the Profile of a Fallen Marine already posted on the site. TWS has already researched and compiled comprehensive information on all 14,387 Marines who fell during the Vietnam War, 1965-1975, and these are now installed as Fallen Profiles accessible via the LH Home Page link. As no one is assigned to maintain these Profiles, we invite TWS Members to adopt one or more Fallen Profiles as custodian and researching and adding any additional information when available. 4,700 Vietnam Fallen Profiles have already been adopted by TWS Members and there are just over 9,600 remaining. To adopt the Profile of a Fallen Marine from the Vietnam War, please click on the Adopt a Fallen Marine Profile link on the left hand Home Page after you log in or click here
This is YOUR Website - help secure it

Marines.Togetherweserved is your website - please help secure its future by upgrading to Full Membership

As you know, there are no advertisements on TWS and There is no charge to join MTWS and remain a Free Member.  Without advertisments, TWS is a member-supported website and there are considerable benefits to becoming a Full Member. By upgrading to Full Membership, which is modestly priced and very simple to do, you not only have access to premium areas of the website but, in so doing, you also help support the ongoing development, maintenance and promotion of and keep it advertisement free.

Think about it - how many websites do you visit that have no advertising? 

TWS is unique and it's here to serve YOU!

Jobs for Marines

Recently left the Corps? Maybe you're looking for a new career, or planning on going in a different direction from your present job?

Visit the Marines Job Board which is on the left hand Home Page. You'll find numerous job listings.

All positions, described in detail, are posted by fellow Marines.TWS Membes who are familiar with the credentials and experience offered by Marines.

Jobs posted this month:  

Position Offered: CREW IED Jammer Operator/Tech
Location: Indiana
Salary Range: TBD - based on Experience

Position Offered: Project Engineer
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Salary Range: TBD

Position Offered: Airframe Mechanic
Location: San Diego, CA
Salary Range: Negotiable

Position Offered: Police Officer
Location: Leavenworth, KS
Salary Range: $30-$40K

Position Offered: Security Admin Assistant
Location: Arlington, VA
Salary Range: $45-$50K

If your company has any positions suited to Marines seeking employment, you are very welcome to post these on the Job Board. This is a FREE service to TWS subscribers Post a Job on TWS Currently Posted Positions.

Does the jobs board work?  Please see these comments submitted by a recruiting professional:
"[TWS]..Thanks for the note and the opportunity to give you feedback.  We think of the TWS board as a vital piece of our recruiting capabilities.  As a business yourself you know that it is a cardinal sin to refuse work.  We do it daily and we are glad to do so!  When we look at a company that is asking us to recruit for them, we look first at why they are asking specifically to help them. After all, there are no shortage of recruiting firms.  If they are not offering long term stability, we would never recruit for them.  If they are just trying to get  publicity for hiring a vet, we would never help them.  Our vets ARE NOT circus performing monkeys.  They are men and women that have been trained to excel while others are running for the door.  They are taught to never give up until the battle is done and they are taught others before self.  If a company doesn't mirror that philosophy, they are not worthy of having our brave men and women in their ranks.  Wal Mart recently asked us to recruit wounded warriors to act as greeters in their stores.  We declined, our wounded warriors can do far more than offer a shopping basket to a patron.  A key reason that we are able to be selective is  because we have been able to keep our overhead low in part because the TWS job board is a integral part of our recruiting tools.  The thing that makes the TWS board different from other services is that because it doesn't cost us to post, we charge a much lower fee to firms when we get the resume from TWS. We have 3 people that we are placing that found us through TWS.  As such, we are going to make a $500 donation to the Wounded Warrior Project and cite TWS as the reason.  It is a joy for our company to place service members and it is even more rewarding to us when these folks find us through together we served because it proves that the fellowship and brotherhood that binds servicemen and women is one that transcends what color uniform you wore, what your rate or MOS was or is, or what your race, gender or economic status is.  We are all brothers and sisters in arms.  Our company only focuses placing veterans and the spouses of active duty service men and women.  My team is very focused on finding a great match for them with a company that will value them as valuable contributing member of their team.  Every email that our team sends out to potential job candidates and or transition counselors has a reference to the Together We Served website.  I think that if someone leaving the military maintains ties to active duty folks as well as join a network of prior military, it will make their transition back to civilian life much smoother.  If we as a company are able to play a part in helping them find positive careers using TWS to do it, that is much better for everyone involved. approached me about 3 weeks ago about becoming a partner for military transition for some new thing they are trying to do.  I thanked them for the call but told them they had lost focus on what they had originally wanted to do and that they needed to take the TWS model and copy that because their model isn't working anymore.  I have assembled a very strong board of advisors including a former assistant attorney general, a retired Navy Captain, a retired Navy 2 star and very soon, we will have a retired 3 star Army General.  All of them are impressed with what you are doing for our service men and women.  None think that is anything more than a site that is out to just make a buck. Keep doing what you are doing.  You are doing great things for our veterans and for that, I say thank you very much."
Kevin Dunlap
Vetrecs Services Corporation
a Veteran Owned Business
1005 Warren Drive
Westminster, MD 21157
P (866) 829-0555 x702
F (866) 576-6976

If you have had success with either finding employees or with locating employment on the TWS Jobs Board, please let us know!  This is a valuable FREE service to all TWS Members and employers and we're always interested in hearing your success stories.  Please email TWS Admin with the details:
Marines.TWS Forums and Chat Boards - Sound Off!

What was your best duty station or assignment and why?
What is the recipe for that good chow you know how to make out of an MRE?
Where's the coldest beer on on WestPac?
Do you have any tips about keeping healthy, or things to watch out for if you have a disease?
These are just a few of the topics that are covered by the many Forums on Marines.TWS. These forums provide you, the members, a variety of places to discuss with other members the many topics we have in common. Those members still on active duty would probably like to know about good assignments when they make out their "dream sheets" or talk to their Monitors. Those who have worked as Monitors or served on a board might want to provide a few tips for members in preparing to talk about their next assignment. If you have a disease like diabetes, what tips can you give others about the disease and things to watch out for with diabetes? Encourage a fellow Marine to keep on top of a health problem so he stays with us for a long time. These are but a couple of topics that are available for you to offer advice, warn others about, discuss with other Marines, etc, or just vent your frustrations about. So pull up a foot-locker and start shooting the breeze, the forums are for you.
Lost Your Password?

If you have forgotten your User ID and Password you can be quickly and easily reminded by clicking on the "Reminder" link contained on the Login page or following this Link. Your Username and Password will be immediately sent to you by e-mail.
Marines.TWS 2009 Printable Calendar

TWS Member:  Trina, Jay (Preacher), LCpl has created a ready to print 2009 Marines.TWS Calendar in Power-Point Format. 

Click here to open the file in .ppt and print your copy.
Marine Corps History from the month of October

Click here for a thorough list of Marine Corps historical events that occurred during the month of October.


The "Guidon" - MTWS Monthly Newsletter

A monthly online publication of, a commercial entity in no way affiliated, authorized or endorsed by the US Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, or any of its agencies.

Opinions and views expressed herein are not necessarily those of, the U.S. Government, Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.

- MTWS Newsletter is published and distributed for informational purposes only and should not be considered official Marine Corps policy, regulation or doctrine. Contact your command's administration section concerning all current Marine Corps policy, regulation and doctrine issues.

All photos used in this online publication are official US Navy/Department of Defense imagery and cleared for public release, unless otherwise indicated.

Please send any comments, quality improvement suggestions or story ideas to:

Maj W.T. Prater (Ret)

Reunions & Get Togethers

The TWS Reunions & Get Together's Forum Board has grown into a clearing house of information and we're happy to feature any specific announcements you may have. If have reunion or get together information you'd like to have published let us know. Email your command/club/association reunion announcement as early as possible to:

Please forward any comments or suggestions that you feel would further improve the website to or just reply to this newsletter.
Enjoyed This Newsletter?

Please forward this on to any other Marines you know. As TWS grows so does its potential to find old buddies and new friends as well as creating a vibrant and enjoyable Marine Community representing all eras from WW2 to present day.
POW-MIA - You are Not Forgotten!

You are not Forgotten!


Happy Birthday Marines - Happy Anniversary TWS!

Happy Birthday Marines!

This month we celebrate 233 years of the greatest fight force the world has ever seen and 5 years of the most unique Marine Corps website on the web!
Please take a moment from your busy schedule to commemorate the Birth of Our Corps by reading the Commandant's Birthday Message in the section below, then get on your feet and stand at attention while you listen to our illustrious hymn by clicking the link below. 

We're also proud to annouce that 10 November 2008 also marks the 5th Anniversary, your Marine Corps website. 
TWS was officially launched on 10 November 2003 in an effort to provide a unique, feature-rich resource to help Marines find each other and to stay connected to the Brotherhood of the Corps.  The site has changed and grown considerably over the years but the focus of effort remains the same - TWS exists to serve you as your link to all things Marine. 

We are rightly proud of the success of the TWS website(s) but we're also keenly aware that the site would be nothing without you making it what it is and helping us to grow.

In the last 5 years TWS has grown from one Marine profile to now more than 198,000 profiles.  More than 4,500 new profiles were created in the last 30 days, 64,000 since this time last year!

Thank You for making TWS the website that it is today! 

Happy Birthday Marines - Semper Fidelis,

Maj Wes Prater (Ret)

Click here to view a 223rd Marine Corps Birthday Power Point Presentation created by Combat Camera, Camp Johnson

Commandant's Birthday Message

A Birthday Message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps
During the summer of 1982, in the wake of a presidential directive, Marines went ashore at Beirut, Lebanon. Fifteen months later, on 23 October 1983, extremists struck the first major blow against American forces - starting this long war on terrorism. On that Sunday morning, a suicide bomber drove an explosive-laden truck into the headquarters of Battalion Landing Team 1/8, destroying the building and killing 241 Marines and corpsmen.

Extremists have attacked our Nation, at home and abroad, numerous times since that fateful day in Beirut. Their aim has always been the same - to kill as many innocent Americans as possible. The attacks of 11 September 2001 changed our Nation forever, and our president has resolved that this Nation will not stand idle while murderous terrorists plan their next strike. Marines will continue to take the fight to the enemy - hitting them on their own turf, crushing them when they show themselves, and finding them where they hide.

Only a few Americans choose the dangerous, but necessary, work of fighting our Nation's enemies. When our chapter of history is written, it will be a saga of a selfless generation of Marines who were willing to stand up and fight for our Nation; to defend those who could not defend themselves; to thrive on the hardship and sacrifice expected of an elite warrior class; to march to the sound of the guns; and to ably shoulder the legacy of those Marines who have gone before.

On our 233rd birthday, first remember those who have served and those "angels"who have fallen - our reputation was built on their sacrifices. Remember our families;they are the unsung heroes whose support and dedication allow us to answer our Nation's call. Finally, to all Marines and Sailors, know that I am proud of you and what you do.Your successes on the battlefield have only added to our illustrious history. Lieutenant General Victor H. "Brute" Krolak said it best when he wrote, " ... the United States does not need a Marine Corps ... the United States wants a Marine Corps." Your actions, in Iraq and Afghanistan and across the globe, are at the core of why America loves her Marines. Happy Birthday, Marines!

James T. Conway
General, U.S. Marine Corps


Marine - The Title is Forever!

Video of the Month - Marines, this is YOU!

Semper Fidelis

What is it about you Marines?

This article was published last month.  Many of your perhaps didn't see it last month and it's an outstanding article to help commemorate the birth of our Corps and to help remind you of what you are as a Marine so we're re-publishing it this month.

How many times have we been asked, "What is it about you Marines?"

This may help explain what we share that is so special and what we have lived that makes us remember. To understand, you have to live our experience, share what we have all shared, and feel what we have all felt. It is about Corps values, and honor. It is about character. It is about a shared experience that changed our lives.

The common experience starts with DISORIENTATION.  The Corps creates a vacuum in your life.  It takes away your hair, clothes, and friends, and fills it with a drill instructor. He says things like get off MY bus ... do it NOW and as you stand asshole to belly-button on the yellow footprints, your identity disappears. The D.I. gives you a short lesson on the UCMJ, and you learn that rights belong to the institution, not to the individual.

You will live in a squad bay and you will march everywhere. He speaks to you in the future imperative ... he says. YOU WILL ... and you do! He gives you a new language ... deck, hatch, head. It is a language that is steeped in a tradition you don't understand yet. He takes away your right to speak in the first person, and he takes away your first name. Your platoon number is what's important now.

Before your first meal you get 20 seconds to stow your gear, and you learn that the only way to get it done within the time limit is to help one another... The TRANSFORMATION begins. This is the culture of the Group, and its members are anonymous.

Although you don't know it, your drill instructor will become the most important person you will ever meet, and your weeks of boot camp will become t he defining cultural experience of your life. For the first time in your life you encounter absolute standards of right and wrong, success and failure. When you screw up, everyone stops, and they penalize you, immediately, so you won't forget.

Disorientation and Transformation are followed by TRAINING.

The rules are simple:
a. Tell the truth
b. Always do your best no matter how trivial the task
c. Choose the difficult right over the easy wrong
d. Don't whine or make excuses
e. Judge others by their actions

And above all, look out for the group, before you look out for yourself. During your training you are pushed beyond your limits, and you achieve. You learn to make excellence a habit. The common denominator among you and your fellow recruits is pride and accomplishment. Through your training you develop spirit, and you develop self-discipline.

You learn the ingredients of CHARACTER: Integrity, Selflessness, and Moral Courage. And you learn the Corps Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment.

These are your roots. The Corps is a rigid code that will stay with you forever. It will define your character, and it will guide you for the rest of your life. This is why there are no EX-Marines.

Once you can appreciate what you are about to become, you learn about those who have gone before you. You study our history, and learn the lessons of countless heroes who acted, not for self, but for comrade, Corps, and Country. Marines are about taking care of each other, always have been, always will. It is our culture and it holds us together. As you learn the history, you become part of the tradition. You have a new appreciation of your God, your Country, and your Corps.

One final element completes your training - you become a rifleman.

The magnitude of what you have accomplished becomes apparent to you at graduation, when you finally earn your title and are called Marine.

What you know then, in your heart, but what you can't put into words, is that there is something very special about this organization that is unlike any other organization you ever have been a part of. What you can't put into words, but what you know in your heart is that the essence of the Marine Corps resides with the lowest in rank; The Marine is the Corps, and the Corps is the Marine. ... Your uniform says it all. When someone looks at you they don't see the name of your ship, a unit patch, or a branch insignia ... what they see is a MARINE. That's all that counts! You are a Marine! It is what matters to you, and it is what matters to every other Marine. You know that you may never feel this important again, and you will spend the rest of our life living the code, and holding on to the feeling that every Marine is a rifleman and that's the essence.

But there is more to our story than our boot camp experience. There is our experience of sacrifice and our participation in the history & tradition of the Corps. We share stories and tell of the humor that got us through the tough times, but we also have stories we keep to ourselves, hiding the painful memories too personal to share.

Shared experience and personal sacrifice are reasons the Marine Corps is a Band of Brothers. It is the reason we celebrate today. The feeling you have when you become a Marine lasts a lifetime. Whether you serve 3 years, or 30, your experiences will never be forgotten. You will never work as closely, or depend on others more, than you did in the Corps. The Corps is your family, you can never leave, and you are always welcome back. You are EXPECTED to come back!

This shared experience, and personal sacrifice is our common bond. It is why we love each other and our country so much, and why we cling to our traditions. Our celebration preserves and honors the memory of all who have gone before us and it is an example, and a standard, for all who follow.  In a time when there are so few proud and good examples to follow, when so little seems to count, our views, our beliefs, our PRACTICE of our tradition is, by others standards, EXTREME. We are perhaps all our country has left to guarantee that the principles upon which this nation was founded will survive.

Many presidents, and congressmen, have tried to do away with the Marine Corps, but we are still here. Why? The answer is simple - America doesn't need a Marine Corps, America WANTS one! Marine, you are the reason she feels that way. Remember that, and feel good about it.

"It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men."

Attributed to Capt. Gerry Porthier

TWS Marine Store - For All Your Marine Merchandise Needs!

Pay a visit to our online TWS Marine Store. For all your Marine Merchandise needs - Shirts, Jackets, Hats, Jewelry, Footwear, Medals, Patches and much, much more!

(The Marine Store can also be found under the "Marine Store" tab or on the left hand Home Page just as you log into TWS)

Over 9000 Quality Items at lowest prices and a 30 day money back guarantee! Here are some brand new items just arrived:

"I'm, a new customer, and a satisfied one at that. Your service is excellent, and so are your prices - talk about time to receive items! Its service like the old days. Semper Fi"

Thank you for your support of the TWS Marine Store. All Store proceeds go towards advertising the TWS website, bringing more Marines to the TWS Community.

Complimentary Upgrade to Those Serving in OIF/OEF

TWS proudly provides a FREE 12 month Premium Membership to any deployed service member.



Just let us know who you are, on the honor system and we'll upgrade your profile. email TWS Admin

TWS Challenge Coins


The graphic on this coin is very clear with raised epoxy over it, the lettering around it is yellow (gold).
They're available for purchase now by check, money order, PayPal and credit Card online at the TWSCafe.

To keep it simple, these coins are being offered for $10 each - which includes shipping.

Send Cash, check or Money Order, addressed/payable to:
P.O. Box 50
Bryantsville, KY 40410

Payment can also be made via PayPal to, please be sure to include your mailing address with the payment.

Credit Card orders are accepted for these coins online at the TWSCafe - for the same price.

Previous Comments:

" Major, I want to say that I am very impressed with the coins that I bought from TWS. I want to thank you for having them so that they can be bought by us Marines. They are very hard corps coins that I will sure show off to my family and friends. Thanks again for having them and anytime something like this comes around, if you think of it, please let me know so that I can buy them. Thanks,Nathan."
Blevins, Nathan, LCpl

TWS over the Years - In the News

Here is a collection of news articles featuring TWS over the years:
:  April 27, 2007:  Sword of Honor Returned after 17 years!

Stars & Stripes Newspaper:  9 June 2007: Networking site for Troops can also help families

MCRD Parris Island "The Boot" Newpaper:  18 April 2008:  Jack Lucas Book Signing & TWS Island Storm Get Together

Member Submited Photos

TWS now hosts over 674,000 member submitted photos! Here's a sample of some of the more than 29,000 photos you added this month...

Free Chow at Golden Corral!

National Press Release - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:

Golden Corral Restaurants Salute America's Heroes with  

Free Dinner on Military Appreciation Monday                            

Raleigh, NC (October,  2008) – On Monday, November 17, 2008 from 5 to 9 pm, all 485 Golden Corral restaurants across America will offer any person who has served in the United States Military (including National Guard and Reserves)  a free "thank you" dinner buffet and beverage  -  no identification required.  This will be the eighth annual "thank you" dinner for our nation's heroes from Golden Corral restaurants, who have provided over 1,835,000 complimentary meals to military personnel over the history of the event.    Golden Corral with their local media partners, guests and the Disabled American Veterans' organization have raised over $2,540,000 in contributions for the DAV state and local chapters.

For the second year, Golden Corral's guests and restaurant teams may send personal greetings to America's military personnel on active duty overseas.   From September 1 through November 17, 2008, special postcards will be available at all Golden Corral restaurants for sending messages of thanks and encouragement to the troops overseas. They will be delivered to our troops prior to the Holidays.   In 2007, over 55,000 Military Appreciation post cards were delivered to military troops stationed overseas.

Gary Sinise, celebrated actor/director and longtime advocate for our fighting men and women (active and retired) is supporting Golden Corral's Military Appreciation Monday through a public service announcement recognizing the contributions made by members of the military.

The DAV is an 87 year old non-profit organization dedicated to providing services – free of charge through its nationwide network – to disabled veterans and their families.

Founded in 1973, privately-held Golden Corral Corporation is headquartered in Raleigh, NC.  Theodore M. Fowler, Jr. is President and CEO.  Golden Corral restaurants are located in 41 states.   Visit


From our Marine Humor Board

Why Men like dogs (compared to Women)

1.  The later you are, the more excited your dogs are to see you.

2. Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.

3. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.

4. A dog's parents never visit.

5. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across.

6. You never have to wait for a dog; they're ready to go 24 hours a day.

7. Dogs find you amusing when you're drunk.

8. Dogs like to go hunting and fishing.

9. A dog will not wake you up at night to ask, "If I died, would you get another dog?"

10. If a dog has babies, you can put an ad in the paper and give them away.

11. A dog will let you put a studded collar on it without calling you a pervert.

12. If a dog smells another dog on you, they don't get mad. They just think it's interesting.

13. Dogs like to ride in the back of a pickup truck.

And last, but not least:

14. If a dog leaves, it won't take half of your stuff.

Submitted by:  Goss, B.J. (Point), LCpl

Member Comments

"I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member of Together We Served.  Together We Served has been a valuable asset to me in finding lost friends and helping to reconnect others. Your Organization has, and will always  be a beacon of light to those who are still defending freedom or have moved on and are looking to share their stories and pictures online with friends and others. I look forward to many more years!  Thanks again and Semper Fidelis!"
Ottens, James, GySgt

I want to thank you very much for sending me this invitation to the, "toghether we served" website. Two days ago, I have connected with fellow Marines within my unit. I am definately going to become a full member with this. Again, I thank you.  Semper Fi, Sgt B. Shows"
Shows, Brian (Hollywood), Sgt

It's an honor to be here among heroes! I have been on here for hours and have found several of my old buddies. Amazing, a CWO-2 and a Master Sgt. for starters. Wow! We are getting old. Semper Fi!!!!!l"
Preston, Michael (Preston), Cpl

Enhanced VA Mortgage Options Now Available for Veterans

WASHINGTON -- Veterans with conventional home loans now have new options for refinancing to a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) guaranteed home loan.  These new options are available as a result of the Veterans’ Benefits Improvement Act of 2008, which the President signed into law on October 10, 2008.
“These changes will allow VA to assist a substantial number of veterans with subprime mortgages refinance into a safer, more affordable, VA guaranteed loan,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. James B. Peake.  “Veterans in financial distress due to high rate subprime mortgages are potentially the greatest beneficiaries.”

VA has never guaranteed subprime loans.  However, as a result of the new law VA can now help many more veterans who currently have subprime loans.
The new law makes changes to VA’s home loan refinancing program.  Veterans who wish to refinance their subprime or conventional mortgage may now do so for up to 100 percent of thXXevalXXue of the property.  These types of loans were previously limited to 90 percent of thXXevalXXue. 
Additionally, Congress raised VA’s maximum loan amount for these types of refinancing loans.  Previously, these refinancing loans were capped at $144,000.  With the new legislation, such loans may be made up to $729,750 depending on where the property is located.  Increasing the loan-to-value ratio and raising the maximum loan amount will allow more qualified veterans to refinance through VA, allowing for savings on interest costs or even potentially avoiding foreclosure.

Originally set to expire at the end of this month, VA’s authority to guaranty Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) and Hybrid ARMs was also extended under this new law through September 30, 2012.  Unlike conventional ARMs and hybrid ARMs, VA limits interest rate increases on these loans from year to year, as well as over the life of the loans. 

Since 1944, when home loan guaranties were offered with the original GI Bill, VA has guaranteed more than 18 million home loans worth over $911 billion.  This year, about 180,000 veterans, active duty servicemembers, and survivors received loans valued at about $36 billion.

For more information, or to obtain help from a VA Loan Specialist, veterans may call VA at 1-877-827-3702 or visit

TWS Ambassador - Spread the word!

Marines, TWS exists to support YOU!  This website is first and foremost a buddy finder.  The more Marines that are registered with TWS, the better it works for everyone.  The more this site grows, the better we can serve YOU! 

In response to member comments and suggestions we're proud to announce the "TWS Ambassador Program"

If you're located on or near a Marine Corps Installation and you like TWS and what the site does to support Marines - and if you're willing to serve as a local POC for TWS to spread the word, coordinate events and help support Marines - you're what we're looking for.

All Ambassadors will be provided with an array of TWS Promotional materials and the mission is simple, spread the word about TWS to Marines on your installation, such as the newly designed MTWS bumper sticker:

If you live on or near a Marine Corps Installation and you're interested in representing TWS in your area, please contact me via email at: or send me a PM and I'll get in touch with you to describe the program in more detail so you can determine if this is something you'd be interested to support.

Semper Fi,
Maj Wes Prater (Ret)
TWS Admin

TWS Invite Cards are part of the "Ambassador" program and as always, they're FREE for the asking. 

TWS Invite Cards are two-sided (sample below) and include a spot for you to print your member number and instructions for your invitees to credit you with the invitation. As a reminder, you get 6 months of free premium access for every 5 members you invite that create a profile page.

There's also a new feature in the registration process as now new joining members are asked to include the member number of the person that invited them while they are registering.  If you simply write your member number on the invite card, your invitees can enter your member number as they register and you'll automatically be credited for the invite.

These cards are a great ice-breaker to start conversations with other Marines and they're the perfect tool to help Spread The Word about TWS. We've mailed out over 45,000 of these cards in the last year. Please drop us a note to share any success stories you've had using these cards to meet other Marines. If you'd like to receive a batch of these cards, please send an email to and tell us how many you'd like to receive and where to send them.

Happy Veterans Day! 11 November 2008

Click here to link to information on the National Veterans Day Ceremony

SemperToon of the Month

Trade Banner Links with TWS

If you operate a Marine orientated website and are willing to trade links with TWS, click here for information on posting a TWS banner on your site. In return, please contact us at with your site's URL, up to 100 words describing your website and a 468x60 website banner in jpeg format, if available. We'll be happy to post a reciprocal link in our Preferred Marine Links Section in the category of your choice. TWS Marine Links Pages are conveniently organized under different categories including Marine Associations, MCL Detachments, Marine Businesses, Marine Charities and others.

The TWS Administration Team

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