Photo Album of Brown, David, LCpl
25 - 36 of 172 images
of 15
25 -36 of 172 images
of 15

31st MAU in Berbera, Somalia Nov. 1982
25 of 172
from  1982-1982 Training Exercise - Jade Tiger '82  album
posted By Brown, David, LCpl
Jul 14, 2016
Brown, David, LCpl (Jul 14, 2016)
The C/35 36 writing on the building is from the combined Marine RECON and Marine rifle company platoons that cleared the building. We went ashore in civilian clothes and did civilian neighborhood patrols looking for problems and places to help out the Somali people. After this photo was taken Pfc Callahan and myself did two days of crowd control on a busy road. The last day in the city all of us were a part of a hospital cleanup project. The Somalia, Oman and Strait of Hormuz photos are provide by David Anson Brown

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