Photo Album of Brown, David Anson., LCpl
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HQ 31st MAU in Jade Tiger at Berbera, Somalia November 1982
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from  1982-1982 Training Exercise - Jade Tiger '82  album
HQ 31st MAU November 14 to December 8, 1982 Jade Tiger - Berbera, Somalia Golden Lion - Wahiba Sands, Oman
posted By Brown, David Anson., LCpl
Sep 3, 2022
Brown, David Anson., LCpl (Sep 5, 2022)
When 31st MAU arrived in Berbera, Somalia in November 1982 both Ethiopia and Somalia were actively fighing a war over a land dispute. Berbera was also fighting a civil war with Mogadishu. Note: there was still blood on the streets that we had to step over when we arrived (and active gunfire - especially the first day). The fighting and the probable colapse of Berbera was the reason 31st MAU was diverted to Somalia from our planned deployment to Thailand. Originally both Jade Tiger and Golden Lion were planned and assigned to a different Marine Corps unit a 2nd Marine Division unit from the East Coast . The conditions in Somalia particularly Babera dateriated and concerned of a collapse the Pentagon deployed the closer 31st MAU to Berbera. The 31st MAU participation would be about 10 days at Berbera, Somalia and then about 3-5 days at Oman. Then 1 day of surveillance off the coast of Iran, actually a short time just to assess the magnitude and progress of the 3rd Iran and Iraq land battle. Followed by 1-2 days of on station duty at the Strait of Hormuz. Also Note: The dates given for Jade Tiger 83 on the various forms of paperwork are all after the fact dates and not the original Jade Tiger and Golden Lion dates. Both Jade Tiger and Golden Lion were each originally seperatly scheduled and each for a 30 day duration separately at Somalia and later 30 days at Oman. David Anson Brown USMC 81-84

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