Scofield, Jeff, LtCol

 TWS Ribbon Bar
Life Member
 Service Photo 
 Service Details
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Service Status
USMC Retired
Final Rank
Lieutenant Colonel
Last MOS
4801-Recruiting Officer-Marine Corps Total Force Expert
Last MOSGroup
Previously Held MOS's
9910-Billet Designator-Unrestricted Officer
0802-Field Artillery Officer
8006-Billet Designator-Unrestricted Officer
Primary Unit
2004-2005, 0802, 2nd Bn, 11th Marines (2/11)
Service Years
1993 - 2020
Other Languages
Official/Unofficial USMC Certificates
Golden Shellback Certificate
Shellback Certificate
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Enduring Freedom
Marine Combat Water Survival Qualified (WSQ)
Lieutenant Colonel

 Official Badges 

Green Belt

 Unofficial Badges 

Shellback Golden Shellback Order of Saint Barbara

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)United States Field Artillery Association1st Marine Division AssociationCarolinas Chapter
  1995, Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)
  2002, United States Field Artillery Association
  2003, 1st Marine Division Association
  2011, 2nd Marine Division Association, Carolinas Chapter (Member) (Hubert, North Carolina)

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

Branch Head, Plans and Research


Other Comments:


 Remembrance Profiles - 1 Marine Remembered

  Navy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon - 2003

Name of Award
Navy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon

Year Awarded
This ribbon will display Multiple Award devices automatically based on the total number of awards listed.
Details Behind Award
For participation in Operations VIGILANT SENTINEL and SOUTHERN WATCH while serving as:

(1) Nov 95 - May 96 For sea service while serving as Forward Observer, Alpha Co, 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, Battalion Landing Team 1/1, 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable).

(2) Oct 96 - Apr 97 For sea service while serving as Assistant Executive Officer/Guns Platoon Commander, Battery C, 1st Battalion, 11th Marines, Battalion Landing Team 3/1, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable).

For participation in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM I and II while serving as:

(1) Feb - May 03 For sea service while serving as Commanding Officer, Battery E, 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines, BLT 2/5, RCT-5 - OIF I.

(2) Sep 04 - Mar 05 For sea service while serving as Operations Officer, 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines, 1st Marine Division - OIF II B.

For participation in Operation ENDURING FREEDOM 11.1 and 11.2 while serving as:

(1) Mar 11 - Mar 12 Deputy Fires and Effects Coordinator, Fires and Effects Coordination Center, 2d Marine Division (Forward) / Task Force Leatherneck, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) / Regional Command (Southwest).

(a) For Navy and Marine Corps personnel assigned to U.S. (including Hawaii and Alaska) homeported ships/deploying units or Fleet Marine Force (FMF) commands, 12-months accumulated sea duty or duty with FMF which includes at least one 90- consecutive day deployment. A standard 14-day waiver of the 12- month accumulated sea duty/duty with FMF is authorized as long as the 90-consecutive day deployment requirement is met. The 12-month accumulated sea duty requirement is waived for those Navy and Marine personnel who were called to sea duty or deployed for Operations DESERT SHIELD or DESERT STORM (during the period 2 Aug 90 - 31 Dec 91) to qualify for this initial award. This waiver does not affect second and subsequent awards of this ribbon. Second and subsequent awards will be earned for each additional 12-months of qualifying service in which a 90- consecutive day deployment occurs.

(b) For Navy and Marine Corps personnel assigned to overseas homeported ships/deploying units or FMF commands, SECNAVINST 1650.1G 12-months accumulated sea duty or duty with the FMF. For those in this category, the 90-day deployment is not required. Second and subsequent awards will be earned for each additional 12- month period of qualifying service. In addition, for Navy units only, the SSDR does not conflict with the Overseas Service Ribbon after 01 October 1999.

(c) Changes to deployment patterns to meet operational commitments within fiscal constraints have resulted in the reduction of some service force ships deployment lengths to less than 90 days with an increase in the frequency of deployments. Consequently and effective 18 October 1991, the awarding of the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon to members of units that complete two deployments of at least 80 days each within a given 12-month period is authorized. This change is not retroactive.

(d) The Sea Service Deployment Ribbon will be awarded retroactive to 15 August 1974. Only one award may be earned for the period 15 August 1974 to 1 January 1979 regardless of the number of years of sea duty or number of deployments made.

(e) No subsequent changes to the SSDR requirements are retroactive to meet individual eligibility.
My Photos From This Award
No Available Photos

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