This ribbon will display Multiple Award devices automatically based on the total number of awards listed.
Details Behind Award
For satisfactory performance while under fire in bona fide ground or surface combat fire fight or action during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Battery E's engagements:
1. The battery received indirect fire during Operation Opening Gambit as part of 2nd Bn, 5th Marines. Quickly returned fire (Battery 6 BBDPICM, Battery 6 RAP) destroying the enemy battery.
2. Marines in the vehicle effectively suppressed the fire of an ADA gun (S-60 most likely) that was firing upon a friendly UH-1. Unable to ascertain effects except that the system ceased firing upon the UH-1.
3. Battery E was engaged in a small ambush as it moved north along the eastern bank of the Diyala river. Three Battery E vehicles were engaged and all Marines returned fire with calm but resolved demeanor. One Marine destroyed an enemy crew-served firing position with a well-placed M203 Grenade.
The Battery returned home with no combat casualties. One Marine, a PVT, was MedEvac after losing a tooth in a fist fight - Another Marine, a LCpl, didn't take kindly to the PVT throwing an artillery fuze at their Sgt section chief, considered it intolerable disrepect.