Scofield, Jeff, LtCol

 TWS Ribbon Bar
Life Member
 Service Photo 
 Service Details
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Service Status
USMC Retired
Final Rank
Lieutenant Colonel
Last MOS
4801-Recruiting Officer-Marine Corps Total Force Expert
Last MOSGroup
Previously Held MOS's
9910-Billet Designator-Unrestricted Officer
0802-Field Artillery Officer
8006-Billet Designator-Unrestricted Officer
Primary Unit
2004-2005, 0802, 2nd Bn, 11th Marines (2/11)
Service Years
1993 - 2020
Other Languages
Official/Unofficial USMC Certificates
Golden Shellback Certificate
Shellback Certificate
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Enduring Freedom
Marine Combat Water Survival Qualified (WSQ)
Lieutenant Colonel

 Official Badges 

Green Belt

 Unofficial Badges 

Shellback Golden Shellback Order of Saint Barbara

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)United States Field Artillery Association1st Marine Division AssociationCarolinas Chapter
  1995, Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)
  2002, United States Field Artillery Association
  2003, 1st Marine Division Association
  2011, 2nd Marine Division Association, Carolinas Chapter (Member) (Hubert, North Carolina)

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

Branch Head, Plans and Research


Other Comments:


 Remembrance Profiles - 1 Marine Remembered

  2008-2009, 8006, Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC)

From Month/Year
July / 2008
To Month/Year
June / 2009
Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) Unit Page
8006-Billet Designator-Unrestricted Officer
Base, Station or City
 Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) Details

Parent Unit
Major Commands
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Sep 14, 2021
Memories For This Unit

Best Friends
Maj Theodore "Bootz" Batzel                
Maj John Fleming                      
Maj. Ty Gilbert  (USAF)                
Maj Derrick Jones                       
LCDR Michael Wagner (USN)                 
Maj Craig Dupill                        
CIV Sharon Firewicz (Drug Enforcement)                 
LCDR Chris Fronk (USN Chaplain)                  
Maj Jason "Fatty" Jolliff                       
Maj Antony Lancashire (RM)              
MAJ Sherif Olalekan (USA)                 
Maj Bradford Tippett                    
Maj Bradley Weston

Chain of Command
Dr Donald F. Bittner, Ph.D., Professor of History, Marine Corps Command and Staff College
Dr Doug Streusand, Ph.D., Cultural and Interagency Affairs
LTC Dave Major, USA

My Photos For This Unit
No Available Photos
1021 Members Also There at Same Time
Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC)

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Covert, Craig, LtCol, (1986-2014) 8006 Lieutenant Colonel
Sawyer, Rob, LtCol, (1987-2009) 8006 Lieutenant Colonel
Lang, Dan, LtCol, (1984-2014) 8006 Major
Valdesuso, Cesar, Maj, (1985-2011) 8006 Major
Amos, James F., Gen, (1971-2015) 99 9903 General
Conway, James, Gen, (1970-2010) 99 9903 General
COLEMAN, RONALD, LtGen, (1974-2009) 99 9903 Lieutenant General
Hendrickson, Leif, BGen, (1973-2004) 75 7562 Brigadier General
Ruark, Robert, LtGen, (1981-Present) 4 0402 Brigadier General
Copp, AJ, Col, (1981-2015) Colonel
Rose, Jim, Col, (1987-2011) 99 9910 Colonel
Turlip, James, Col, (1983-2012) 8040 Colonel
Zimmermann, Terri, Col, (1989-Present) 44 4402 Colonel
Bandani, Ahmad, LtCol, (1989-2010) 75 7557 Lieutenant Colonel
Bardorf, David, Col, (1991-Present) 18 1802 Lieutenant Colonel
Breazile, Greg, Col, (1983-2017) 99 9910 Lieutenant Colonel
Cerkan, W. Daniel, LtCol, (1991-2011) 75 7562 Lieutenant Colonel
Cline, Frank, LtCol, (1942-1974) 63 6345 Lieutenant Colonel
Evans, Don, LtCol, (1978-2010) 63 6302 Lieutenant Colonel
Gillespie, Thomas, LtCol, (1984-2009) 6 0602 Lieutenant Colonel
Henigan, Lawrence, LtCol, (1985-2007) 13 1302 Lieutenant Colonel
King, Brian, Col, (1991-2016) 5 0510 Lieutenant Colonel
Neeley, Dwight, Col, (1989-2016) 75 7557 Lieutenant Colonel
O'Harra, Eric, LtCol, (1991-2007) 72 7202 Lieutenant Colonel
Rockett, Rodney, LtCol, (1981-2008) 99 9954 Lieutenant Colonel
Stanovich, Mark, LtCol, (1986-Present) 99 9911 Lieutenant Colonel
Suckow, Scott, LtCol, (1984-2009) 75 7513 Lieutenant Colonel
Wanat, John, LtCol, (1988-2007) 3 0302 Lieutenant Colonel
Wilcox, Andrew, Col, (1985-2009) 3 0302 Lieutenant Colonel
Williams, CJ, LtCol, (1991-2009) 3 0302 Lieutenant Colonel
Anderson, Randy, Maj, (1981-2008) 60 6002 Major
Buckel, Bart, Maj, (1989-2013) 3 0302 Major
Collins, Chris, Maj, (1988-2011) 66 6602 Major
Connolly, Ryan, Maj, (1997-2007) 8243 Major
Connolly, Ryan, Maj, (1997-2007) 8243 Major
Conrad, Brian, Maj, (1986-2008) 6 0602 Major
Cordone, John, LtCol, (1996-Present) 6 0602 Major
Cracknell, Lee, LtCol, (1994-2021) 75 7566 Major
Deliberto, Gary, Maj, (1984-2009) 4 0400 Major
Dickey, George, LtCol, (1987-Present) 6 0602 Major
Dickey, George, LtCol, (1987-Present) 6 0602 Major
Dobrydney, John, Maj, (1997-Present) 6 0602 Major
Downey, Douglas, LtCol, (1995-Present) 3 0302 Major
Duckworth, Neal, Maj, (1986-2009) 2 0202 Major
Ducoing, Darren, Maj, (1985-2011) 59 5902 Major
Evans, Cameron, Maj, (1990-Present) 6 0602 Major
Gibson, Trent, Maj, (1987-2007) 3 0302 Major
Gibson, Trent, Maj, (1987-2007) 3 0302 Major
Glass, James, Maj, (1982-2013) 68 6877 Major
Gomez, Rufino, Maj, (1994-Present) 6 0602 Major
Gray, William, Col, (1993-Present) 99 9910 Major
Griffin, John, Maj, (1987-Present) 3 0302 Major
Griffith, Samuel, Maj, (1997-2010) 8 0805 Major
Hancock, Robert M, Maj, (1996-2008) 3 0302 Major
Hanner, Kyle, Maj, (1984-Present) 65 6502 Major
Hastings, Kurt, LtCol, (1983-2014) 4 0430 Major
Hastings, Kurt, Maj, (1983-2005) 4 0430 Major
Holiday, Jackie, Maj, (1999-Present) 4 0402 Major

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