Scofield, Jeff, LtCol

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 Service Photo 
 Service Details
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Service Status
USMC Retired
Final Rank
Lieutenant Colonel
Last MOS
4801-Recruiting Officer-Marine Corps Total Force Expert
Last MOSGroup
Previously Held MOS's
9910-Billet Designator-Unrestricted Officer
0802-Field Artillery Officer
8006-Billet Designator-Unrestricted Officer
Primary Unit
2004-2005, 0802, 2nd Bn, 11th Marines (2/11)
Service Years
1993 - 2020
Other Languages
Official/Unofficial USMC Certificates
Golden Shellback Certificate
Shellback Certificate
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Enduring Freedom
Marine Combat Water Survival Qualified (WSQ)
Lieutenant Colonel

 Official Badges 

Green Belt

 Unofficial Badges 

Shellback Golden Shellback Order of Saint Barbara

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)United States Field Artillery Association1st Marine Division AssociationCarolinas Chapter
  1995, Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)
  2002, United States Field Artillery Association
  2003, 1st Marine Division Association
  2011, 2nd Marine Division Association, Carolinas Chapter (Member) (Hubert, North Carolina)

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

Branch Head, Plans and Research


Other Comments:


 Remembrance Profiles - 1 Marine Remembered

  2005-2007, 4801, Recruiting Station Albuquerque, NM

From Month/Year
June / 2005
To Month/Year
November / 2007
Recruiting Station Albuquerque, NM Unit Page
4801-Recruiting Officer-Marine Corps Total Force Expert
Base, Station or City
New Mexico
 Recruiting Station Albuquerque, NM Details

Recruiting Station Albuquerque, NM
Parent Unit
Recruiting Units
USMC Detachment
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Jul 19, 2020
Memories For This Unit

Best Friends
RS Dallas: Maj Walker Field
RS Denver: Maj Bryan Wood
RS Fort Worth: Maj Bill Gray
RS Houston: Maj Andy Hamilton
RS Oklahoma City: Maj Adam Chalkley
RS Phoenix: Maj Tom Dodds
RS San Antonio: Maj Jack East

Chain of Command
8th Marine Corps District CO: Col Rick Huenefeld / Col Mark Toal
District XO: LtCol Roger Mitchell / LtCol Mark Johnson
District OpsO (DROO): LtCol Greg Tolliver / LtCol Roger Mitchell
AER: Maj "Chuy" Gutierrez

SgtMaj: Emilio Barela / Troy Couron
XO: Capt John McCalmont / 1stLt Jose Montalvan
OpsO: CWO3 Jody Teegardin / Capt John McCalmont
Recruiter Instructor (RI): MSgt James Rundle / MSgt Charles Walters / MGySgt William Veck
Assistant RI: GySgt Walters / MSgt SanLuis
OpsChief: SSgt Johny Mathews / GySgt Roberto Dimas / MSgt Walters

Admin Chief:  SSgt Monica Moore
Logistics Chief:  MSgt Lizalde
Marketing and Public Affairs:  Sgt Stephen Standiford
IT Specialist:  Joe Garvey

RSS Albuquerque North: GySgt Dimas / MSgt Glen Gray
RSS ABQ South: SSgt Chris Robles / MSgt Walters / SSgt Curran
RSS Farmington: SSgt Bruce Curran / SSgt Wayne Bitselley
RSS Las Cruces: Sgt Armando Aguilera / SSgt Mathews / GySgt Robles
RSS El Paso West: GySgt Adrian Sena / SSgt Felix Vidales
RSS EP East: MSgt Genaro Lopez
RSS Roswell: SSgt Richard Mendez / SSgt Juan Luna / SSgt Alejandro Arrieta
RSS Odessa: SSgt Gonzales / GySgt Frank Ramirez
RSS Lubbock: GySgt Somoza / MSgt Eugene Drozd / GySgt Badders
RSS Amarillo: GySgt San Luis / SSgt Zach Pankey


Other Memories
RS Albuquerque is a 70-Marine Recruiting Station consisting of 10 SNCOICs, 40 Canvassing Recruiters, an Officer Selection Team, and 17 HQs personnel. We operate over the 225,000 square miles bounded by Gallup, NM; Durango, CO; Amarillo, TX; Odessa, TX; and El Paso, TX. The applicants process through three Military Entrance Processing Stations located in Albuquerque, Amarillo, and El Paso. The Officer Selection Team (OST), led by a Captain also has a SSgt and a civilian secretary and is located in Lubbock, TX.

The AO is characterized by isolated pockets of population separated by great distances. A very small but very patriotic population of people willing to voluntarily serve their country by enlisting in the Marine Corps or accepting commissions as officers of Marines.

This RS sends about 700 recruits to recruit training and 40 officers to OCC/PLC each year.

My Photos For This Unit
33rd Commandant of the Marine Corps visits RSS Amarillo
CMC with the Marines of RSS Amarillo
Commandant delivers Achievement Plaques to RS COs
Cake Cutting 231st Birthday - Albuquerque, NM
16 Members Also There at Same Time
Recruiting Station Albuquerque, NM

Gonzales, Ramiro, GySgt, (1996-2017) 48 Sergeant
Hasseltine, George, LtCol, (1997-2019) 99 9910 Major
Drozd, Eugene, MSgt, (1988-2009) 8412 Master Sergeant
Drozd, Eugene, MSgt, (1988-2009) 8412 Master Sergeant
Sanchez, Jose, MSgt, (1998-Present) 34 3432 Master Sergeant
Walters, Charles, MSgt, (1988-2008) 0 8412 Master Sergeant
Hodnett, Joseph, GySgt, (1994-2007) 8411 Gunnery Sergeant
Moore, Monica, GySgt, (1988-2008) 1 0193 Gunnery Sergeant
Bone', Felicia, SSgt, (1992-2008) 8411 Staff Sergeant
Pankey, Zachary, MSgt, (1996-2016) 8411 Staff Sergeant
Schrubb, Daniel, MSgt, (1994-2014) 0 8411 Staff Sergeant
Tellez, Robert, GySgt, (2000-2020) 0 8411 Staff Sergeant
Best, Carlo, Sgt, (2000-2008) 8411 Sergeant
Cruz, Roberto, MSgt, (2000-2020) 1 0151 Sergeant
Rodriguez, Oliver, SSgt, (1997-Present) 8411 Sergeant
Standifird, Stephen, Sgt, (1998-2007) 43 4341 Sergeant
Criger, Brian, SSgt, (2000-Present) Sergeant

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