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Best Friends SgtMaj. Lonnie Sanders, 26th MEU SgtMaj. and SgtMaj. Herve St. Pierre, 3d Bn 8th Mar.
Best Moment Receiving my AirCrew Wings after completing training in Camp DeCanjures, France! And, since the Statute of Limitations has passed, yes I was "pinned"! Also liberty in Palma de Majorica!
Worst Moment Just pulled into Haifa, Isreal when I received word my father had passed away. Losing Cpl. B.J. Cox on a routine training flight just prior to redeploying with 26th MEU.
Chain of Command Col. Tommy "Dixie" Patton was the CO., Maj. Jerry Yanello XO, Maj. "Doc" Johnson S3, Maj. Bob "Bobo" Richards was the S4. MSgt. Marty Kaminski was the Maint. Chief, SSgt. Robert White Ordinance, (then) Sgt. Rick Kern was the NATOPS NCO along with SSgt. Brown and SSgt. Bob Kliesner (now MGySgt. at New River) was shit hot too. Of course who could forget GySgt. Lacour! Col. W.C. Fite III was the MEU Commander.
Other Memories Med cruise during DS/DS. Went into Turkey in support of the Kurds up north for Operation "Provide Comfort" then to the Adriatic for "Deny Flight". LCpl. McIlrath was the Crew Chief for "Double Nutts" (00) the Frog that I completed most of my training in. "Bobo" Richards dragging the Recon guys through the pine trees on the SPIE rig after the 1991 CAPEX demo.