Scofield, Jeff, LtCol

 TWS Ribbon Bar
Life Member
 Service Photo 
 Service Details
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Service Status
USMC Retired
Final Rank
Lieutenant Colonel
Last MOS
4801-Recruiting Officer-Marine Corps Total Force Expert
Last MOSGroup
Previously Held MOS's
9910-Billet Designator-Unrestricted Officer
0802-Field Artillery Officer
8006-Billet Designator-Unrestricted Officer
Primary Unit
2004-2005, 0802, 2nd Bn, 11th Marines (2/11)
Service Years
1993 - 2020
Other Languages
Official/Unofficial USMC Certificates
Golden Shellback Certificate
Shellback Certificate
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Enduring Freedom
Marine Combat Water Survival Qualified (WSQ)
Lieutenant Colonel

 Official Badges 

Green Belt

 Unofficial Badges 

Shellback Golden Shellback Order of Saint Barbara

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)United States Field Artillery Association1st Marine Division AssociationCarolinas Chapter
  1995, Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)
  2002, United States Field Artillery Association
  2003, 1st Marine Division Association
  2011, 2nd Marine Division Association, Carolinas Chapter (Member) (Hubert, North Carolina)

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

Branch Head, Plans and Research


Other Comments:


 Remembrance Profiles - 1 Marine Remembered

  2008-2008, 8006, Officer Candidate School (Cadre/Instructors Only)) Support Bn
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From Month/Year
January / 2008
To Month/Year
May / 2008
Officer Candidate School (Cadre/Instructors Only)) Support Bn Unit Page
8006-Billet Designator-Unrestricted Officer
Base, Station or City
Quantico, VA
United States
 Officer Candidate School (Cadre/Instructors Only)) Support Bn Details

Officer Candidate School (Cadre/Instructors Only)) Support Bn
Parent Unit
School Assignments - Staff
USMC Battalion
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Jun 26, 2009
My Photos For This Unit
No Available Photos
63 Members Also There at Same Time
Officer Candidate School (Cadre/Instructors Only)) Support Bn

Mclean, Jeremy, 2ndLt, (2001-2008) 8001 Second Lieutenant
Borrero, Edgardo, CWO2, (1997-Present) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Cano, Gabriel, GySgt, (1995-Present) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Cardenas, Ernest, MSgt, (1988-2012) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Ezell, Justin, SgtMaj, (1995-Present) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Gnecco, Ryan, GySgt, (1996-2008) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Holland, Daniel, 1stSgt, (1992-Present) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Lazard, Charles, MSgt, (1993-Present) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Lomax, Jonathan, GySgt, (1993-2014) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Lozano, Javier, 1stSgt, (1994-Present) 8511 Gunnery Sergeant
Marsh, James, MSgt, (1990-Present) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Marsh, James, MSgt, (1990-Present) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Mortimer, Sam, CWO2, (1995-2015) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
New, William Scott, MSgt, (1996-2016) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Ortiz, Hector, SgtMaj, (1993-Present) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Osburn, Curtis, 1stSgt, (1996-Present) 8511 Gunnery Sergeant
Scifo, Rosalia, 1stSgt, (1994-Present) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Wilson, Ronald, GySgt, (1989-2009) 0911 Gunnery Sergeant
Freda, Dominic, MSgt, (2002-2022) Staff Sergeant
Damren, Jonny, MSgt, (1997-Present) 8511 Staff Sergeant
Delgado, Angel, SSgt, (1998-Present) 8511 Staff Sergeant
Dubon, Carlos, Capt, (1996-Present) 0911 Staff Sergeant
Esparzaperez, Antonio, SSgt, (2000-2008) 8511 Staff Sergeant
Mata, Carlos, GySgt, (1995-2012) 8511 Staff Sergeant
Pilats, Christopher, SSgt, (1993-Present) 8511 Staff Sergeant
Salas, Fabio, 2ndLt, (2000-Present) 0911 Staff Sergeant
Scherer, Patrick, Capt, (2008-Present) 8000 Sergeant
Valasek, Ronald, Maj, (2004-Present) 521 Sergeant
Hoover, James, Maj, (1991-2012) 8 0802 Major
Kaiser, Jason, Maj, (1995-2016) 99 9910 Captain
Manzanedo, Arturo, Maj, (1992-Present) 30 3002 Captain
Secor, Jonathan, Capt, (2004-Present) 8 0802 Captain
Smith, Al, Capt, (2002-Present) 1 0180 Captain
Young, Peter, Capt, (2000-2008) 99 9910 Captain
Cort, John, 2ndLt, (2009-Present) 11 1100 Second Lieutenant
Wright, Jamie, CWO3, (1992-2014) 1 0170 Chief Warrant Officer 3
Knox, Meddie, MGySgt, (1979-2010) 3 0369 Master Gunnery Sergeant
Barrett, Michael, SgtMajMC, (1981-2015) 99 9999 Sergeant Major
Black, Troy, SgtMajMC, (1988-Present) 99 9999 First Sergeant
Brown, Robert, MSgt, (1990-2016) 35 3537 Master Sergeant
Aguilar, Antonio, GySgt, (1979-1999) 4 0401 Gunnery Sergeant
Borges, Stephanie, GySgt, (1990-2014) 1 0121 Staff Sergeant
Holt, James, 2ndLt, (1995-Present) 72 7212 Staff Sergeant
Stelly, Michael, SSgt, (2002-2011) 6 0699 Staff Sergeant
Black, Lee, Sgt, (2002-2013) 35 3531 Sergeant
Black, Lee, Sgt, (2002-2007) 35 3531 Sergeant
Brennan, Christopher, GySgt, (2003-Present) 3 0311 Sergeant
Chavez, Julio, SSgt, (2004-2016) 3 0311 Sergeant
Enlow, Clarence, SSgt, (2005-2015) 23 2311 Sergeant
Fordham, Matthew, Sgt, (2004-2012) 3 0311 Sergeant
Howe, Frederick, SSgt, (2002-2010) 6 0651 Sergeant
Sosa, Rafael, Sgt, (2003-2011) 3 0311 Sergeant
Sosa, Sgt, Sgt, (2003-2007) 3 0311 Sergeant
Thomas, Terry, SSgt, (2002-Present) 6 0651 Sergeant
Deffert, Garret, Sgt, (2003-Present) 3 0341 Corporal
Mize, Michael, Cpl, (2004-2008) 3 0351 Corporal
Phillips, Kenneth, Cpl, (2006-2013) 4 0400 Corporal
Gonzalez, Guillermo, Sgt, (2003-Present) 1 0151 Lance Corporal
James, Matthew, Maj, (1999-Present) Captain

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