Photo Album of Gray, Alfred, Gen
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General Gray in Rio
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from  1980-1984, 2nd Marine Division  album
General- your presence and speach during the Marine Corps Ball in Rio in '82 defined what leadership is all about for me. I learned more about leadership and Marines that evening than any other single day in my military or civilian professional careers. I am truely honored to have been associated with My "Chesty Puller". You contributed to my life in the years since in a way that has spelled success in all that I have attempted. More importantly, you, your leadership and your example has caused me to enhance others lives by being the best leader and mentor that I can be on a daily basis. I often wonder how my life would have been different if I could have understudied your example closer on a day to day basis. Undoubtedly, it would have affected me greatly. I have no regrets in what I have accomplished and how many lives I have touched..and for certain no regrets to say that I not only am a UNITED STATES MARINE, but lived in a time that allowed me to know General Al Gray, even if only for one evening. A final note; while it may have little meaning now...from the ranks of the "boots on the ground" I'm sorry about your Marines that were lost in Beirut. It must have weighed heavy on your mind. It did mine. With gratitude, respect, admiration and best wishes I wanted you to know that the "boots on the ground", "nose in the dirt" grunts really admired their Commanding General. For all of us from the 2nd MARDIV, thank you. Adiministrator- there may be sigificant meaning for the General to hear the ramblings from one of His Marines. I'm sure that he rarely gets to hear from the men in the trenches anymore...even if from the past. Please do not "circular file" this. Let the General.
posted By Gray, Alfred, Gen
Jun 24, 2011

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