Photo Album of Edson, Merritt, MGen
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a9 Johnson LMG/SA Rifle Ad - American Rifleman
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from  Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal - 1926  album

Johnson Automatics, Inc. magazine advertisement featuring the Johnson Light Machine Gun and the Johnson Semi-Automatic Rifle from 1943 and 1945, while World War Two was still in progress. The first photo (top left) is of a full page ad from 1943 which mentions the use of the Johnson LMG and Semi-Automatic Rifle The photo is of Capt. Melvin Johnson USMCR, the developer of the Johnson LMG and Semi-Automatic rifle, firing a Johnson LMG from the standing position. The third photo (bottom) is of two ads from 1943, the second of which includes photos of the loading processes for the Johnson LMG and the Semi-Automatic Rifle. The US Marine Corps Raiders and Paramarines used Johnson LMG's and Semi-Automatic Rifles extensively during their Solomon Island campaign. Lt. Col. "Red Mike" Edson's 1st Marine Raider Battalion particularly favored the Johnson LMG since they were easier to lug around the jungle than the Browning B.A.R.'s, as did the Paramarines. In mid-1942, 125 LMG's were obtained by the Army's 1st Special Service Force from the USMC stock. The 1st Special Service Force (the famous "Devil's Brigade") was a 'special forces' unit formed from both US and Canadian army personnel and specialized in behind the lines and close quarter combat scenarios. The LMG's came from the USMC who received 2 tons of plastic explosive of a newly developed type called 'RS' in exchange for them. As Lt. Colonel Robert Burhans states in his book "The First Special Service Force" which is the official unit history of the 1st SSF, "The Johnson weighed little more than the M1 rifle, and carried more fire power than the Browning, an ideal addition to a light, fast-moving combat unit. It was a profitable trade for the force; the Johnson, pound for pound, was a more valuable weapon.
The Johnson Rifle Site Click Here
posted By Edson, Merritt, MGen
Sep 19, 2007

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