Photo Album of Isaacs, Larry, SgtMaj
1669 - 1680 of 1741 images
of 146
1669 -1680 of 1741 images
of 146

Coffee, smokes & Bible
1669 of 1741
from  1968-1968, 0311, CAP 2-4-1, III MAF/2nd CAG (Combined Action Group)  album
Doc. told me to look important to take this photo. Doc I'm so sorry I was not with you that terrible day. Something will come up during my day that brings you back to life in my mind if for a second. You are my best friend Doc. I hope you can hear me talk to you. Each time I say a prayer for our servicemen & women, your there helping me. Thank you Doc. for being in my life.
posted By Isaacs, Larry, SgtMaj
Aug 21, 2008

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