Criteria The Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal is awarded by the Secretary of Defense or, with respect to the Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service in the Navy, the Secretary of Transpor... The Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal is awarded by the Secretary of Defense or, with respect to the Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service in the Navy, the Secretary of Transportation, to members of the Armed Forces (including Reserve Components) who perform outstanding volunteer service to the civilian community of a sustained, direct, and consequential nature. MoreHide
Served over 300 hours as a volunteer at Riverside National Cemetery.
Other Memories
I lived in Wildomar 1991-2002, worked for Riverside Co Flood Control, Riverside Co. District Attorney and the Riverside Co. Sheriff. Moved to Perris 2002. Divorced 2006 and moved to Riverside where I currently live. Married 2006 and living happily-ever-after.
Best Friends
Troy Gildersleeve, Darren Haiges, Jack Patzsch (deceased 1994) David Bryan, Don Steier, Zaira Gomez, GySgt Mike Roberts
Best Moment
Was there one? Oh yeah Retirement Ceremony.
Worst Moment
Floods of 1993, death of MgySgt Mike Smith, Death of Msgt Jack Patzsch. Getting passed over for Gunny due to weight control for 1 pound overweight!
Chain of Command
Col. Zimmerman SgtMaj Cruz Col. Michael D. Glynn Major George Kendley (MCAS El Toro) LtCol Rasmussen Capt. Jim Mumma
Other Memories
During this period of my life I was assigned collateral duties as Air and Ground Saftey officers, normally billeted by a Major and Gysgt. I also assumed duties as Information Systems Management Officer as no one else would after CWO Wadley (Ordnance officer) departed. This in and of itself was the key to the rest of my life.
Criteria The Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal may be awarded to service members who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy or Marine Corps, distinguish themselves by heroism, outstanding achievem... The Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal may be awarded to service members who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy or Marine Corps, distinguish themselves by heroism, outstanding achievement or meritorious service (but not of sufficient nature to warrant a higher decoration). MoreHide
Comments For meritorious service while serving as the Ground Safety Noncommissioned Officer In Charge, MCAS Camp Pendleton from 14 February 1994 to 22 November 1995. Culmination of 20 years of honorable and de... For meritorious service while serving as the Ground Safety Noncommissioned Officer In Charge, MCAS Camp Pendleton from 14 February 1994 to 22 November 1995. Culmination of 20 years of honorable and dedicated Marine Corps service. MoreHide
Criteria The Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal may be awarded to members of the Armed Forces in the grades of lieutenant commander (or major) and below. It is awarded for meritorious service or achieveme... The Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal may be awarded to members of the Armed Forces in the grades of lieutenant commander (or major) and below. It is awarded for meritorious service or achievement in either combat or noncombat based on sustained performance or specific achievement of a superlative nature but which does not warrant a Navy Commendation Medal or higher. It may not be awarded for service involving participation in aerial flight after January 1, 1969. MoreHide
Comments For professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as the Information Systems Management Noncommissioned Officer In Charge, MCAS Camp Epndleton from 7 Sept 1994 to 1 ... For professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as the Information Systems Management Noncommissioned Officer In Charge, MCAS Camp Epndleton from 7 Sept 1994 to 1 July 1995. MoreHide
Criteria The Meritorious Unit Commendation may be awarded by the Secretary of the Navy to any unit of the Navy or Marine Corps that distinguishes itself under combat or noncombat conditions by either valorous ... The Meritorious Unit Commendation may be awarded by the Secretary of the Navy to any unit of the Navy or Marine Corps that distinguishes itself under combat or noncombat conditions by either valorous or meritorious achievement which renders that unit outstanding compared to other units performing similar service, but not sufficient to justify the award of the Navy Unit Commendation. MoreHide
Criteria The Navy Unit Commendation may be awarded by the Secretary of the Navy to any unit of the Navy or Marine Corps that distinguishes itself by outstanding heroism in action against an enemy (but not suff... The Navy Unit Commendation may be awarded by the Secretary of the Navy to any unit of the Navy or Marine Corps that distinguishes itself by outstanding heroism in action against an enemy (but not sufficiently to justify the award of the Presidential Unit Citation). It may also be awarded to a unit that distinguishes itself by extremely meritorious service not involving combat (but in support of military operations), which renders that unit outstanding when compared to other units performing similar service. MoreHide
Description MCAS CAMPEN 930116-940106 - Camp Pendleton Air Station Flooded after the Basilone Bridge gave way during torrential rains in Jan 1993.
NUC 16Jan93-7Jan94 See Indivi... MCAS CAMPEN 930116-940106 - Camp Pendleton Air Station Flooded after the Basilone Bridge gave way during torrential rains in Jan 1993.
NUC 16Jan93-7Jan94 See Individual Unit Listings (Santa
Margarita River Flood)
MUC 1Jul95-2Jul99
MUC 1Aug90-7Jun91 SU MCB Camp Pendleton CA
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron MUC 1Jul87-31Dec88 SU MCAS, CamPen MoreHide
Criteria The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. ... The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. Marine Corps while on active duty for a specified period of time. MoreHide
Criteria The Meritorious Unit Commendation may be awarded by the Secretary of the Navy to any unit of the Navy or Marine Corps that distinguishes itself under combat or noncombat conditions by either valorous ... The Meritorious Unit Commendation may be awarded by the Secretary of the Navy to any unit of the Navy or Marine Corps that distinguishes itself under combat or noncombat conditions by either valorous or meritorious achievement which renders that unit outstanding compared to other units performing similar service, but not sufficient to justify the award of the Navy Unit Commendation. MoreHide
MCAS Camp Pendleton support of Operation Desert Storm
MUC 1Aug90-7Jun91 SU MCB Camp Pendleton CA Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron
Criteria The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. ... The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. Marine Corps while on active duty for a specified period of time. MoreHide
Criteria The National Defense Service Medal is awarded for honorable active service as a member of the Armed Forces during the Korean War, Vietnam War, the war against Iraq in the Persian Gulf, and for service... The National Defense Service Medal is awarded for honorable active service as a member of the Armed Forces during the Korean War, Vietnam War, the war against Iraq in the Persian Gulf, and for service during the current War on Terrorism. In addition, all members of the National Guard and Reserve who were part of the Selected Reserve in good standing between August 2, 1990, to November 30, 1995, are eligible for the National Defense Service Medal. In the case of Navy personnel, Midshipment attending the Naval Academy during the qualifying periods are eligible for this award, and Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) Midshipmen ae only eligible if they participated in a summer cruise that was in an area which qualified for a campaign medal. MoreHide
Criteria This ribbon is awarded to officers and enlisted personnel of the Navy, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps, and Marine Corps Reserve for 12 months consecutive or accumulated duty at overseas shore-based duty ... This ribbon is awarded to officers and enlisted personnel of the Navy, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps, and Marine Corps Reserve for 12 months consecutive or accumulated duty at overseas shore-based duty stations. Each Service has distinct criteria that delineates eligibility; Navy personnel assigned to Marine Corps units follow Marine Corps policy, and vice-versa. MoreHide
Criteria This ribbon is awarded to officers and enlisted personnel of the Navy, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps, and Marine Corps Reserve for 12 months consecutive or accumulated duty at overseas shore-based duty ... This ribbon is awarded to officers and enlisted personnel of the Navy, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps, and Marine Corps Reserve for 12 months consecutive or accumulated duty at overseas shore-based duty stations. Each Service has distinct criteria that delineates eligibility; Navy personnel assigned to Marine Corps units follow Marine Corps policy, and vice-versa. MoreHide
Criteria The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. ... The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. Marine Corps while on active duty for a specified period of time. MoreHide
Criteria The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. ... The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. Marine Corps while on active duty for a specified period of time. MoreHide
Criteria The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. ... The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. Marine Corps while on active duty for a specified period of time. MoreHide
Criteria The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. ... The Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal is awarded on a selective basis to enlisted members in the Regular Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve to recognize good behavior and faithful service in the U.S. Marine Corps while on active duty for a specified period of time. MoreHide
Criteria The Sea Service Deployment Ribbon is awarded to members of the Navy and Marine Corps assigned to U.S. homeported (including Hawaii and Alaska) ships, deploying units, or Fleet Marine Force commands, f... The Sea Service Deployment Ribbon is awarded to members of the Navy and Marine Corps assigned to U.S. homeported (including Hawaii and Alaska) ships, deploying units, or Fleet Marine Force commands, for 12 months accumulated sea duty, or for duty with the Fleet Marine Force that includes at least one deployment of 90 consecutive days. MoreHide
Description Joint United States - Philippine Military operation on the Island of Mindoro, Republic of the Philippines.
October 21, 1977, 24 Marines were killed and 13 injured when a CH53-D Super Stallion plummetJoint United States - Philippine Military operation on the Island of Mindoro, Republic of the Philippines.
October 21, 1977, 24 Marines were killed and 13 injured when a CH53-D Super Stallion plummeted off a cliff and fell 400 feet in the Philippine jungle below during Exercise Fortress Lightening.
CH-53 crashed in Mindoro, Philippines during sling load operations due to a design flaw in the tail rotor drive; 31 US Marines serving in Operation Fortress Lightning were killed.
CREW HMH – 462
Crapse, John L., Capt
Gehardt, George M., Capt.
Casey, William Sgt.
Anderson, Charles, Sgt.
Aguirre, F R LC PL
Baker, A R LC PL
Bauer, J R PFC
Bennett, R N C PL
Bowman, Steve R LC PL
Brinkley, K W PFC
Dicag, A R CPL
Ernsberger Jr., L H CPL
Fitspatrich, M L LC PL
Hallam, O or O,Hallam CPL
Jones, B I PFC
LaFferre, M A PFC
Layne, H L LC PL
Quiane, M L LC PL
Schwartz, K K PFC
Smith, D G SGT
Suda, A LC PL
West, J L LC PL
Wright, D A PFC
Holman, E C PFC
Workman, J F SSGT
Jacobson, G J CPL
Morris, E J PFC
Fernald D G LC PL
Hancock, D G LCPL
Hathway, A W PFC
Kane, M PFC
Lane, E N PFC
Criega, R S LCPL
Ward, G J PFC
Perry, R G PFC
Baxter, W C HA
Dolan, S R HN... More
Description Team Spirit was a joint military training exercise of United States Forces Korea and the Military of South Korea held between 1976 and 1993. The exercise was scheduled from 1994 to 1996 but cancelled Team Spirit was a joint military training exercise of United States Forces Korea and the Military of South Korea held between 1976 and 1993. The exercise was scheduled from 1994 to 1996 but cancelled in each year as part of diplomacy to encourage the Government of North Korea to disable the North Korean nuclear weapons program. The North Korea regime abandoned talks following the January 1986 Team Spirit exercises, and in late 1992, North Korea unilaterally withdrew from the South-North High-Level Talks on the pretext of the 1993 Team Spirit exercise.
Until 2007 the exercise had been called "Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of Forces" (RSOI). As of March 2008, it is called Key Resolve. North Korea has denounced the joint military exercise as a "war game aimed at a northward invasion."... More
I lived in Wildomar 1991-2002, worked for Riverside Co Flood Control, Riverside Co. District Attorney and the Riverside Co. Sheriff. Moved to Perris 2002. Divorced 2006 and moved to Riverside where I currently live. Married 2006 and living happily-ever-after.