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Result: Found 32 Member(s)
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MOS Name Status Rank Served
03Beatty, Robert (Sam)PFC
11Cline, David (dave)Cpl
75Collier, Paul (Skip)Capt
11Curtis, Carl1stSgt
64DArcangelo, Joe ( ' D ')Cpl
03DeLuca Jr, Felix (catman)Sgt
03Donahue, CharlesSgt
02Emrich, WaltMSgt
03Farole, Gary (GA from PA)SSgt
03Felo, RobertCpl
03Ferguson, Lewis (Ferg)Cpl
70Fuller, MarkSgt
30George, James, Sr. (George)Cpl
08Hockenberger, Jim (Hock)Cpl
08Kovacs, John JosephCpl
25Mann, ThomasCpl
08McBride, ScottSgt
11McLaughlin, Deborah (Mac)LCpl
03Moran, Shawn (HEAVY 4)MSgt
30Nazarovitch, Michael (naz)Sgt
66O'Neill, John ("JJ" or "Jack")Sgt
03O'Neill, Sean Capt
66Platts, Hercules (herk)Cpl
13Pucci, JoeCpl
40Sheldon, KeithCpl
30Stebler, Phil (Phil)Sgt
03Tedford, Ray (Ted)Sgt
03Thielman, Howard (Howdy or Howie)Cpl
55Ussack, RalphCpl
25Wagner, Robert (Honus)Sgt
25Williams, JohnCpl
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