Photo Album of Green, Michael D., CWO4
37 - 48 of 60 images
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37 -48 of 60 images
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Day off at the Beach in Mogadishu 7th CIT
48 of 60
from  1993-1996, 1st Intel Co, 1st Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Intelligence Group (SRIG)  album
Of the Marines in this photo, Bill King, Mike Marcano, Mark Crane, Jeff Precopio, Ray Garza, Charlie Rhodes, Mike Dorzweiler, John Henrici, Dave Wilson, Pat Bagley, Joe Orick, myself, and John Farley have all retired from the USMC. Matt Nieland (a Sgt when this photo was taken) is currently a Capt, served two tours in Iraq and currently stationed in Quantico. I see Matt on a regular basis - Mike Marcano and I had the honor of assisting his parents and wife (Terry) in pinning on his 2nd Lt bars the day Matt graduated OCS. Also pictured in this photo are SSgt Tim Hughes and Sgt Dave Stefonich. I saw Dave a couple of times while I was at HMX-1 - he had left the Corps by then and was working for the Dept of Justice. I saw Tim Hughes years later while in Kuwait during the OIF-1 build up; he was a contractor with General Dynamics.
posted By Green, Michael D., CWO4
Feb 3, 2008

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