Coffey, Bob, LCpl

 Service Photo 
 Service Details
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Current Service Status
USMC Veteran
Current/Last Rank
Lance Corporal
Current/Last Primary MOS
0331-Machine Gunner
Current/Last MOSGroup
Previously Held MOS
0335-Machine Gun Team Leader
Primary Unit
1969-1969, 0331, 3rd Marine Division
Service Years
1968 - 1970
Enlisted Collar Insignia
Lance Corporal

 Official Badges 

US Marine Corps Honorable Discharge (Original)

 Unofficial Badges 

Vietnam Veteran 50th Commemoration Vietnam 50th Anniversary

 Additional Information
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 Remembrance Profiles - 6 Marines Remembered

  1969-1970, 0335, C Co, 1st Bn, 4th Marines (1/4)

From Month/Year
February / 1969
To Month/Year
- / 1970
C Co Unit Page
Lance Corporal
0335-Machine Gun Team Leader
Base, Station or City
Northern I Corp
Quang Tri (Vietnam)
 C Co, 1st Bn, 4th Marines (1/4) Details

C Co, 1st Bn, 4th Marines (1/4)
Parent Unit
1st Bn, 4th Marines (1/4)
USMC Company
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Oct 19, 2020
Memories For This Unit

Best Friends
3rd Platoom Marines C 1/4-Lt Ken Leone,Lt Jim Parrish(Jungle Jim) Robert Byrne(Blue) 0311 and Tim Cotrill 0311 not best friends at the time but these are two Grunt Marines I will never forget (Lp Hill 400 March 03, 1969 SFRJ. Eduardo Leija(Lahaus)Best Friend 0331Machinegunner David Perrine (Boy) Passed Away-0331 Machinegunner. Arnold Linquist (Lucious)-0331 Machinegunner. John Salter-0311 Rifleman. Aaron Martin-0311 Rifleman. Charles Fatute-0311 Rifleman. John C Gipson(Gunny Gipson)Passed Away-0311 Rifleman James Jones(Doc Bones)-Corpman David Parker-KIA Hill 400 Feb 28, RIP. William G Hall-0351 Radioman. Carlos Sanchez-0311 Rifleman. David Dawson-0311 Rifleman. William J Davis-0311 Rifleman. Wiley F Kennedy-0311 Rifleman. John E Kennedy-Passed Away 0311 Rifleman, (Radioman and M-79man). John M Kennedy-0311- Rifleman. Jerome English-0311 Rifleman Willie Hill-0311 Rifleman. Robert E Johnson-0311 Rifleman. Jessie Castillo-0331 Machinegunner. Marvin D Lee-0331 Machinegunner Hill 484- March 5,1969. Mike(Jake)Jacobs-0311 Rifleman(Passed Away) Bruce Salisbury-0311-Rifleman. Doug Kincy-0311-Rifleman. Karl Cooper-0311- Rifleman. Ray Norman-0311-Rifleman. William Kinder-0311-Rifleman. Tim Looney-0351-Radioman for LT Parrish. Rick Dodd-0311-Rifleman. Sgt Fred Harris-0311 Rifleman. Tom Kirsch-0311 Rifleman. Ray Norman-0311 Rifleman. Don Dececco-0311 Rifleman. Micheal Biehl-0311 Rifleman. Ernie Cash-0331 Machinegunner. Tom Sladkey-0311 Rifleman. Will Davis 0311-Rifleman. Joe Daniel-0311 Rifleman. Gilbert Mastera 0311 Rifleman Eddie Downs M-79.Austin Johnson-0311 Rifleman,Gilbert Martinez-0311 Ronald
Ramirez 0311-Rifleman Rifleman,Ismael V Gomez-0331 Machinegunner. (Many more names and places I cannot remember but they are never forgotten) SFRJ Semper Fi to 1st Plt,2nd Plt,3rd Plt, Charlie 1/4,Lima 3/4, Command,Corpman,Chopper Pilots,and anyone I may have forgotten.

Best Moment
Day I left Vietnam. Oct 23,1969. Day I left Okinawa Japan Jan 1970. El Toro Marine Base California 1970. Home Sweet Home Roch NY USA. 40+Years later when Robert Byrne(Blue)C1/4 e-mailed me on the internet.


Worst Moment
LP Hill 400 Chopper Hill and Hill 484 LZ Mack or Mutters Ridge FEB 28-MARCH 6, 1969.

Chain of Command
Skipper Lt James Herron XO Lt Karl Marlantes 3rd Plt Lt Ken Leone 2nd Plt Lt Tom Noel 1st Plt Lt Richard Porello,Lt Karl Marlantes)


Other Memories
Robert Byrne(Blue) and Tim Cotrill LP Night of March 3, 1969 and Final Assault Hill 484 March 5, 1969. Many long Patrols 3rd Platoon had off Catapult Mt some even over night LT Parrish in Command. Operation Purple Martin Lasting about 88 days search and clear operation Charlie Co spent over 50 consecutive days in bush on this operation.

My Photos For This Unit
Bob Coffey C1/4 3rd Plt.
Tim Cotrill 3rd Plt C1/4
Robert Byrne(Blue) C1/4 3rd Plt.
Vietnam 1969 Bob VCB 3rd Plt C1/4
280 Members Also There at Same Time
C Co

Sexton, Richard Jarrett, Capt, (1966-1970) 3 0302 Captain
Baca, Tobby, Sgt, (1967-1969) 3 0331 Sergeant
Hoffman, Craig, Sgt, (1967-1970) 3 0311 Sergeant
Reed, Larry, Sgt, (1965-1991) 3 0321 Sergeant
Young, Lonnie, Sgt, (1968-1978) 3 0311 Sergeant
Broyer, Clifton Lee, Cpl, (1966-1969) 3 0341 Corporal
Cheshire, Kenneth, Cpl, (1967-1969) 3 0311 Corporal
Hatcher, Robert, Cpl, (1968-1969) 3 0331 Corporal
Looney, Timothy, Cpl, (1968-1970) 3 0311 Corporal
Shock, Jack Dean, Cpl, (1966-1969) 3 0311 Corporal
Shock, Jack Dean, Cpl, (1966-1969) 3 0311 Corporal
Thomas, Charles Wayne, Cpl, (1967-1969) 3 0311 Corporal
York, Mike, Sgt, (1969-1972) 3 0311 Corporal
Brake, Boyd Lawerence, LCpl, (1968-1969) 3 0341 Lance Corporal
Delgado, Raymond Rodriguez, LCpl, (1967-1969) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Farmer, James, LCpl, (1969-1971) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Farmer, James, LCpl, (1969-1971) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Gratien, Jim, LCpl, (1967-1969) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Heiser, John Louis, LCpl, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Horne, Derrick, LCpl, (1970-1972) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Johnson, Austin, Sgt, (1968-1970) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Pledger, Brian, SSgt, (1968-1974) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Sandefur, Gregory, LCpl, (1967-1971) 3 0351 Lance Corporal
Vroom, James Lee, LCpl, (1967-1969) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Abolins, Janis, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Angel, Michael Eugene, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Goding, Robert Earle, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Landrum, Robert, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0331 Private 1st Class
Liptak, Charles Lewis, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Lynn, Roy Eugene, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Mangold, Leo Joseph, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Menninger, Robert Patrick, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Metcalf, George, PFC, (1969-1971) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Shaum, Ray Thomas, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Taylor, Philip Joseph, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0331 Private 1st Class
Ur, Stanley Eugene, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Whitehead, Fredrick, SSgt, (1970-1993) 3 0331 Private 1st Class
Horne, Derrick, Pvt, (1970-1972) 3 0311 Private
Placker, Henry, Sgt, (1958-1968) 1 0141 Sergeant
Schaefer, Thomas Koenig, PFC, (1968-1969) 25 2531 Private 1st Class
Shier, Ronald James, PFC, (1968-1969) Private 1st Class
Jones, James, HM3, (1967-1971) 0 HM-8404 Hospital Corpsman Third Class Petty Officer
Feiner, Hank, LCpl, (1967-1969) 3 Lance Corporal
Wilson, Harold, Sgt, (1968-1969) Sergeant
Byrne, Robert, Cpl, (1968-1970) Private 1st Class
Hollingsworth, James, 1stSgt, (1954-1975) First Sergeant
Jmaeff, George Victor, Cpl, (1967-1969) Corporal
Jacon, Michael, LCpl, (1968-1970) Lance Corporal
Millan, Richard, LCpl, (1968-1969) Lance Corporal
1st Bn, 4th Marines (1/4)

Perrich, Robert, Col, (1942-1975) 3 0302 Lieutenant Colonel
Gabel, John, Capt, (1965-1969) 3 0302 Captain
Green, Joe, Capt, (1965-1973) 3 0302 Captain
Hoof, Allen W., Maj, (1965-1985) 3 0302 Captain
Marlantes, Karl, 1stLt, (1964-1970) 3 0302 First Lieutenant
Martin, Donald, Capt, (1969-1973) 3 0302 First Lieutenant
Sipperly, David, 1stLt, (1967-1970) 3 0302 First Lieutenant
McConaghy, Dennis, Maj, (1960-1980) 3 0301 Second Lieutenant

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