Deibert, Harold J. E., Capt

 Service Photo 
 Service Details
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Last Rank
Last Primary MOS
0302-Infantry Officer
Last MOSGroup
Primary Unit
1972-Present, 0302, MCB Camp Pendleton
Service Years
1951 - 1972
Officer Collar Insignia

 Last Photo 
 Personal Details 

40 kb

Home State
District Of Columbia
Year of Birth
The current guardian of this Remembrance Page is GySgt Denise Kincaid (Gunny Dee).

If you knew or served with this Marine and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE

This Remembrance Profile was originally created by Capt Harold J. E. Deibert (Hedge) - Deceased
Contact Info
Last Address
Date of Passing
Sep 26, 2010
Location of Interment
Eternal Hills Memorial Park - Oceanside, California

 Official Badges 

 Unofficial Badges 

Drill Instructor Shellback

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
American LegionMarine Corps Mustang AssociationMilitary Officers Association of America (MOAA)United States Seagoing Marine Association
Marines' Memorial Association & FoundationVeterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)Marine Corps Heritage Foundation
  1956, American Legion
  1981, Marine Corps Mustang Association
  1981, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)
  2003, United States Seagoing Marine Association
  2003, Marines' Memorial Association & Foundation
  2003, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
  2008, Marine Corps Heritage Foundation

 Additional Information
Last Known Activity:

Recovering from heart attack 3Jul07 (5x bypass). One step at a time - one day at a time, as well as two or three breaths at a time.
Recoup/Rehab is a long and very slow process. I am now on the second year of rehab- oh how slow this is, and some days quite hard. If you smoke---QUIT! We can't blame "Agent Orange" on everything. Take and be responsible for your own actions!

New Stuff: 17Oct08 Another heart problem - Congestive Heart Failure. Emergency 911 and four (4) days in hospital. Excess liquids removed, change of/addional medications. Sent home to recover. No driving, no pulmonary rehab until further notice. Bland foods, no salt, and reduce liquid intake. Oh Woe is Me- Will this ever end?????

Other Comments:

Life is beautiful and great. Don't waste it! Maximize each and every day! Live today as though there is no tomorrow! THERE MIGHT NOT BE A "TOMORROW!"

New-new stuff - 30Mar09 - Pulmonary Rehabilitation three (3) days - Monday, Wednesday and Friday per week, Dr. appointments/follow ups on Tue and Thurs. Full weeks of medical appointments. On oxygen 24/7/365 with prognosis of "no cure for Pulmonary Fibrosis" due to smoking, nasty stuff in the air, and the kicker, Agent Orange in Vietnam - 1966-1967. But hell, tomorrow the sun will come up, my backyard birds will sing to me, my wife will still be by my side - and it too shall be a great day! I love it!!!!
New newer stuff--June 2009 As if I don't have enough physical problems, I have just been diagnosed as a Diabetic #2 - so the insulin shots and Glucose monitoring, plus doing a lot of reading and research on this subject. So I will loosen up my haversack shoulder straps for this new extra load, and continue to march - one breath, one step and one day at a time. Each day is a challenge, but with the grace of God, the help and support of my wonderful wife and family - this too shall pass. Each day is still beautiful!
20 Sept 2009
Newest of new stuff;
Seems my various systems are needing a lot of help, as implants and medications are coming on scene more often to keep this old antique body breathing and stumbling around. Just had a Pacemaker & Fibulator combination implanted - seems this worn heart needs help to stay in sync, and not to "flutter" - makes my Dr.s nervous. However, each day is a bonus, and more beautiful than the last, and I look forward to each new day - who knows, miracles still happen, and although my Drs. say "no way," I have faith, and believe that God makes the call. Life is still precious and beautiful.
28Nov09- New "old stuff!" Another 911 Help call- More of the same- congestive heart failure along with a major blood infection. In hospital eight (8) days. Many test and scans in an attempt to locate source- all test and culture smears negative. The virus is identified, but its source is not known. More test next week. In the meantime, recovering at home to get strength back and get back to Rehab. Its been too long. Each day is a big "Plus" and I thank God for it and look forward to the next day. Life is good and very, very precious.


 Remembrance Profiles - 9 Marines Remembered

  1972-Present, 0302, MCB Camp Pendleton

From Month/Year
- / 1972
To Month/Year
MCB Camp Pendleton Unit Page
0302-Infantry Officer
Base, Station or City
Mainside, MCB, Camp Pendleton
 MCB Camp Pendleton Details

MCB Camp Pendleton

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton is the major West Coast base of the United States Marine Corps. It is located on the Southern California coast, in San Diego County, and bordered by Oceanside to the south, Cleveland National Forest, Orange and Riverside counties to the north, and Fallbrook to the east.

The base is split into North and South and was established in 1942 to train U.S. Marines for service in World War II. By October 1944, Camp Pendleton was declared a "permanent installation" and by 1946, it became the home of the 1st Marine Division. It was named after Major General Joseph Henry Pendleton (1860–1942), who had long advocated setting up a training base for the Marine Corps on the west coast. Today it is the home to myriad Operating Force units including the I Marine Expeditionary Force and various training commands.

Parent Unit
Marine Corps Bases Pacific
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Jul 21, 2019
Memories For This Unit

Best Friends
Most of my "Best Buddies" are now long gone, some buried, some in health care facilities, and some like me, recovering from a physical illness, and some who have just faded away. All of my "Best Buddies" contributed greatly towards the legacy of our Corps. They, like me, had tremendous hopes that our Corps of Marines would continue to be the best of everything militarily, and be second to no one, or anything.

However, I still have twenty three (23) members of my Vietnam rifle platoon with me. We have our annual reunion each year with the parents, or relatives of the Marines from our platoon we lost. Next year (2009) will be held in Mason City, Iowa, the home town of our platoon Medal Of Honor recipient, PFC Douglas E. DICKEY. Would you believe, I still have both of my platoon corpsmen. These two are truly, Marine's Marine! I love them all!!!!

Best Moment
Completion of the eight (8) remaining years of FMCR (Fleet Marine Corps Reserve) status, and transferred to the fully retired rolls of the U. S. Marine Corps, and at the same time, promoted to the hightest rank held honorably - that of Captain (O-3). This status is still being enjoyed today (Aug 2008).


Worst Moment
I've said it many times in this TWS Profile site, and that was the realization that I would never participate in my own parade, or have a personal "Pass in Review!" Missing also, the command of "Eyes Right" in my direction, and to me. I dreamed of this great privledge when I was a PFC and participated in my first such parade at Camp Lejeune, NC in 1952 for a Marine Master Sergeant, who was retiring after thirty (30) years of Honorable Service. At that time, on that great day, I said to myself, "self, someday I too will have this honor." Needless to say, it never occured.

Really though, I shouldn't feel so bad, as there was no parade, of any sort for/of any Vietnam unit, warrior or Vietnam vet. Today---seems there is a parade of some sort for anything -coming, going or just standing still!

Other Memories
****In Retrospect****
When I joined the Marines at the age of seventeen (17) my parents signed for me. I was bright eyed, bushy tailed, full of vim, viger and vitality. I was an accepted member of the greatest military force in the world- that of the United States Marine Corps.

I witnessed many changes in our Corps during my time, in uniforms and weapons. Not to be outdone, I remember when SOS was real chipped beef (the real thing), and was changed over to the cheaper brand SOS (hamburger) served even to this day. Changes also were noted in the type and quality of the individual who became a Marine. In most cases, these individuals measured up to expectations.

I do not know what has happened to my Corps today. It appears to me the essence we experienced, taught, trained in and yes, even demanded has been watered down, or not emphasized. Our values have been compromised to the essence of me, and I. Unless the Corps can return to the true essence of 1). MISSION (training or combat operational) and 2). WELFARE of your men, these essences will errode away. Only history will promulgate, and not actuality.

In todays Corps I see too much "individuality" and very little "team" cohesion. Here is the I and me. The "we," "us" and "ours" has become marginalized to almost nonexistence. Teamwork will never flourish in this newly aquired enviroment, as it will eventually become, "unheard of" and fade away.


My Corps has become - "Fat, Dumb and Happy." It was (during my era - and before me) a lean, mean, Marine green, ass kicking machine! How are you going to add to, or promote the "Legacy of our Corps?" We are the only ones who can say, "Once a Marine, always a Marine." All other service's members come and go - to fade away in to oblivion. Were you a "team" Marine, or an "individual" Marine?????? You may be able to kid others, but---not yourself!

Bald heads - tattoos from ear lobes to finger tips--UNBECOMING AND CONTRARY TO GOOD ORDER AND DISCIPLINE!

God save our Corps!
Semper Fidelis

Harold J. E. Deibert
Capt (Ret) USMC
Mustang Officer of Marines

My Photos For This Unit
The high point of my Marine Corps Career - 1951 - 1972
My Military Career 1951-1972
Badges and Tie Bars 1951 - 1972
Evolution of Badges and Marine Tie Bar -1951-1972
2094 Members Also There at Same Time
MCB Camp Pendleton

Grant, Oliver, Col, (1973-2013) 3 0302 Colonel
Amidon, Ken, LtCol, (1981-2004) 3 0302 Lieutenant Colonel
Campbell, Jr., Jack R., LtCol, (1960-1983) 3 0302 Lieutenant Colonel
Pipes, Kenneth, LtCol, (1957-1982) 3 0302 Lieutenant Colonel
Wallace, Jack, LtCol, (1961-1982) 3 0302 Lieutenant Colonel
Spair, Joseph, Maj, (1977-2002) 3 0302 Major
Sureau, James, Maj, (1969-1990) 3 0302 Major
Clark, Chuck, Capt, (1969-1974) 3 0302 Captain
LaBelle, Michael, Capt, (1963-1978) 3 0302 Captain
Steinhilber, Christopher, Col, (1987-2021) 3 0302 Captain
Thoene, Max, Maj, (1987-1997) 3 0302 First Lieutenant
Manoukian, Matthew P, Capt, (2005-2012) 3 0301 Second Lieutenant
Brayman, Eric, CWO4, (1988-Present) 3 0306 Chief Warrant Officer 4
Brayman, Eric, CWO4, (1988-Present) 3 0306 Chief Warrant Officer 3
Ernst, John, MGySgt, (1968-1999) 3 0369 Master Gunnery Sergeant
Garland, Timothy, MGySgt, (1983-2010) 3 0369 Master Gunnery Sergeant
Sanchez, Isaac, MSgt, (1982-2009) 3 0369 Sergeant Major
GREEN, ARTHUR, MSgt, (1980-2004) 3 0369 Master Sergeant
Mocaby, Paul, MSgt, (1976-1997) 3 0369 Master Sergeant
Pettet, Mike, MSgt, (1975-1997) 3 Master Sergeant
Sanchez Jr., Isaac, MSgt, (1982-2009) 3 0369 Master Sergeant
Silva, Al, MGySgt, (1981-2008) 3 0369 Master Sergeant
Simmons, Woodrow, MSgt, (1979-2007) 3 0369 Master Sergeant
Atondo, Jorge, GySgt, (1975-1995) 3 0369 Gunnery Sergeant
Ault, Ron, MSgt, (1966-1987) 3 Gunnery Sergeant
Ault, Ron, MSgt, (1966-1987) 3 Gunnery Sergeant
Forrest, Jim, GySgt, (1989-2008) 3 0369 Gunnery Sergeant
Jackway, Bryan, 1stSgt, (1988-2007) 3 0369 Gunnery Sergeant
Martinez, Oscar, MSgt, (1966-1988) 3 0369 Gunnery Sergeant
Sanchez, Juan, GySgt, (1994-2013) 3 0369 Gunnery Sergeant
Steward, James, GySgt, (1966-1978) 3 0369 Gunnery Sergeant
Adams, Michael, MSgt, (1988-Present) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Adkins, William, GySgt, (1976-1998) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Auber, Mark, SSgt, (1983-1990) 3 0321 Staff Sergeant
Coble, Charles, SSgt, (1994-2009) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Corso Jr., Antonio, SSgt, (1969-1993) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Eby, Ronald, MSgt, (1968-1992) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Hill, Daryl, MSgt, (1985-2010) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Lukeman, Kenneth (Casey), SSgt, (1979-2000) 3 Staff Sergeant
Martinez, Jose, SSgt, (1978-1998) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
McNally, Alan, SSgt, (1972-1989) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Pokorny, Gary, MSgt, (1996-Present) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Sandberg, Christian, SSgt, (1989-2009) 3 Staff Sergeant
Sivels, Larry, GySgt, (1974-1995) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Smith, Donald, SSgt, (1976-1993) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Sorochiello, Allen, SSgt, (1986-1993) 3 0331 Staff Sergeant
Torres, Jerry, SSgt, (1979-1999) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Waugh, Gerald, SSgt, (1977-1992) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
White, Godfrey, SSgt, (1970-1978) 3 0300 Staff Sergeant
Wilkerson, William, SSgt, (1969-1976) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Azud, Ross, Sgt, (1977-1981) 3 0311 Sergeant
Barbaro, Antonio, Sgt, (1985-1991) 3 0321 Sergeant
Barker, Jacob, SSgt, (2002-2010) 3 0311 Sergeant
Barnett, William, SSgt, (2001-Present) 3 0311 Sergeant
Beach, David, Sgt, (1968-1972) 3 0311 Sergeant
Bianco Jr, David, Sgt, (1996-2005) 3 0341 Sergeant
Blackett, Robert, Sgt, (1970-1973) 3 0331 Sergeant
Brady, Mike, Sgt, (1999-2008) 3 0351 Sergeant
Butler, Jason, GySgt, (1996-2008) 3 0311 Sergeant

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