Photo Album of Mathis, Donald, SSgt
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MB NWS Yorktown Mascot: Cpl Brick (66)
29 of 42
from  1964-1967, 5591, Marine Barracks Naval Weapons Station Yorktown  album
Brick had his own Service Record Book (SRB) and was issued a set of Dress Blues. He participated in all parades and ceremonies at the barracks and occasionally stood watch with another Marine at the Colonial Parkway Gate. Brick had two black marks in his SRB: He went "UA" and had the entire barracks out looking for him. Also, while standing post, the X.O.'s wife stop to introduce Cpl Brick to a friend. During this introduction Cpl Brick started humping the X.O.'s wife's leg and ruined her hose. Cpl brick was reduced one pay grade to LCpl.
posted By Mathis, Donald, SSgt
Jun 22, 2012

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