Photo Album of Mays, Radford, MGySgt
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M-274 Mechanical Mule with Experimental TOW Missle, 1961
118 of 268
from  1961-1962, 0311, C Co, 1st Bn, 1st Marines (1/1)  album
2nd Plt C/1/1: One morning I was told to check out a Mule and take a Fire Team to a location in the bush behind Camp San Mateo. There we meet two civilian contractors from Raytheon Corp. It turned out that they had an experimental TOW missile and they wanted to mount it on the Mule and take some photographs of it with my Fire Team. The photos were to be used for promotion of the weapon to the government. This was in early 1961. The TOW did not deploy to the field until the 1981, over twenty years later. Photo: This is not a photo from that shooting. Our TOW was on a tripod mount. Also I believe the far Marine has M-16 mag pouch. We had M-1 Rifles and A BAR.
posted By Mays, Radford, MGySgt
Aug 21, 2010

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