Isaacs, Larry, SgtMaj

 Service Photo 
 Service Details
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Final Rank
Sergeant Major
Last MOS
9999-Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
Last MOSGroup
Specific Billet MOS
Primary Unit
1991-1993, 9999, 4th MCD/Recruiting Station Cleveland Ohio
Service Years
1963 - 1993
Official/Unofficial USMC Certificates
Antarctic Circle Certificate
Panama Canal Certificate
Shellback Certificate
Sergeant Major
Seven Hash Marks

 Last Photo 
 Personal Details 

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Home State
The current guardian of this Remembrance Page is Sgt Andrew Isaacs (IKE).

If you knew or served with this Marine and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE

This Remembrance Profile was originally created by SgtMaj Larry Isaacs - Deceased
Contact Info
Home Town
Damascus, Va.
Last Address
11720 Franklin Blvd.
Lakewood, Ohio

Date of Passing
Nov 01, 2017

 Official Badges 

 Unofficial Badges 

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)National Rifle Association (NRA)
  2003, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
  2011, National Rifle Association (NRA)

 Additional Information
Last Known Activity:

When I'm Gone

When I come to the end of my journey
And I travel my last weary mile,
Just forget if you can, that I ever frowned
And remember only the smile.

Forget unkind words I have spoken;
Remember some good I have done.
Forget that I ever had heartache
And remember I've had loads of fun.

Forget that I've stumbled and blundered
And sometimes fell by the way.
Remember I have fought some hard battles
And won, ere the close of the day.

Then forget to grieve for my going,
I would not have you sad for a day,
But in summer just gather some flowers
And remember the place where I lay,

And come in the shade of evening
When the sun paints the sky in the west
Stand for a few moments beside me
And remember only my best.

- Mrs. Lyman Hancock


 Remembrance Profiles - 7 Marines Remembered

 Tributes from Members  
RIP SgtMaj Larry Issacs posted by 34 Roque, Joe (JC), GySgt 3
Sad to Learn of Your Passing posted by 01 McGown, Bryan A. (Gunny), GySgt 4
Sgt Major Larry Issacs posted by 11 Greene, Lawrence (eddie), GySgt
Missing Your Post's posted by 35 Moore, Ronnie Eugene (curley), PFC 845
Until we regroup in heaven posted by 03 Montgomery, Donald E. (Monty, Gunner ), Cpl 37
Marine Corp Birthday posted by 28 Bouchard, Gregory (Bro), Cpl 5
Rest Easy posted by 99 Lennen, Paul D., 1stSgt 155
GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN posted by 99 Burns, Robert (Sergeant Major), SgtMaj 33
Rest in Peace Marine posted by 00 Short, Diane (TWS Admin) 4340  
REST IN PEACE posted by 30 Murphy, David, Jr., Sgt 20

  1967-1968, 0311, I Co, 3rd Bn, 7th Marines (3/7)

From Month/Year
October / 1967
To Month/Year
- / 1968
I Co Unit Page
Base, Station or City
Di Loc
Vietnam, South (Vietnam)
 I Co, 3rd Bn, 7th Marines (3/7) Details

I Co, 3rd Bn, 7th Marines (3/7)

India Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment is an infantry unit of the United States Marine Corps. They are based at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, in Twentynine Palms, California. Their mission is to conduct mechanized, combined-arms operations and other expeditionary operations in order to support theater engagement plans and contingency operations.

Parent Unit
3rd Bn, 7th Marines (3/7)
USMC Company
Created/Owned By
03  Denny, Jason R.., Sgt 26

Last Updated: Sep 28, 2014
Memories For This Unit

Best Friends
Joined 23 Sept.67
2nd. Sq --- 1st. Plt. --- India Company

Best Moment
Getting there


Worst Moment
19 Nov. 67 / TR 11 Apr. 68

Sgt Joel S. Williamson, East Meadow, NY;
Cpl Mark C. Petersen, Pierson, IA;
HM3 Charles E. Robertson, Charleston, WV (Corpsman, H&S w/ I/3/7); and
LCpl Robert B. Wilson, Winston-Salem, NC.
Vigil, Anthony, LCpl HQ- Seattle, Wash.

19 November 1967 Group Entry
Faithful, Boyd L. Jr. 2ndLt WIA
Nelson, Jon Q. LCpl WIA
Tully, Robert E. SSgt WIA

19 November 1967 Group Entry
Boyd, Jonathan H. Cpl WIA
Cole, Thomas J. LCpl WIA
Duran, Felix L. Pfc WIA
Isaacs, Lawance M. Sgt WIA
Keenan, Ralph P. Cpl WIA
Keeton, Ward S. Jr. LCpl WIA
Lucero, Lionel G. LCpl WIA
McCullough, Lee H. LCpl WIA

Patrick, Ronald Cpl
Saunders, Charles R. Jr. WIA
White, Robert Jr. Cpl WIA

(19 Nov. 2013) 46 years ago today I was wounded by a sniper while fighting in Vietnam. I want to tell my Grandson what happen and this is only known by 3-4 Marines who were behind me in a tree line and I also informed Cook Barela when he ask me to write him on what happen. (His book �??Dreams of Glory�?? has been published.) You will find a lot of information of this operation in his book�?�..

When I got to the line of fire I sent McCullough, Lee H. LCpl WIA to the left and told him to stop anyone coming down that trail.
Other Marines in our platoon were coming up on line and I pointed for them to go to the right and set in and fire....As they came by they dropped machine gun ammo near my position because a 2nd. Plt MG Team was there shooting. They were just to my left 5-10 feet away firing across to the tree line we were getting rounds from.
Minutes passed I could see a Corpsman lying on the dike straight in front of us about 40-50 meters away.

Nelson's MG to my left was firing close to him.
I looked back to my left and saw Big Mac. (McCullough, Lee H. LCpl. WIA) falling. I saw him hit the ground and he bounced as if he had no muscle control left in him. I jumped to my feet and had to jump over the MG Team and went to his side. I pulled him up on my shoulder and picked up the sling to his rifle and carried him back to our lines just behind the firing line. As I approached within about 5 feet I tripped and fell. 2-3 of the men at that point pulled us both inside that area. Sgt. Z. Stamford (?) or Stafford a Corpsman and others I'm guessing of course.
(This is where Cooks book Dreams of Glory states another Marine went to get Big Mac. He was my point man all my squad leader time and I saw him fall and I went to get him myself.)

Once I got my bearings together a Doc. was looking at Big Mac, at that time I saw Nelson roll off the MG. Two other Marines layer beside him and looked like they were wounded. Nelson's eye lay on his cheek and he was bleeding badly. Until this time I didn�??t know who they were except 2nd. PLt. I ask him his name and he said Nelson. I told him he was going to be okay and the Doc. Was right behind me.

I picked up his (Nelson�??s) MG and jumped into a hole just to the left of the dike road leading to the wounded Corpsman on the dike. Doc�??s leg was bent at the knee and he was moving it back and forth. We keep yelling to stop moving his leg so they would stop shooting him. But he continued until there was no more movement.

At that point I loaded the MG through the feed cover and was shooting straight in front of us. From that point I was shooting over the Corpsman (HM3 Charles E. Robertson) As I fired to my left front I could see the VC getting out of their holes and running back inside the tree line. They would wait until the air support explosions went off so I would wait for that and then open up with a good burst to that area. I saw many of them not make the run. When the rounds hit them it would knock them completely out of their holes�?�..After about 3 belts I was wounded in my right shoulder and the MG fell over into the dike. All the time there I could hear the rounds hitting the front of this hole and dirt was always kicking up in my face but this time he hit his mark.

My shoulder was numb, dead, could not move it. I pulled a dressing out of my lower trouser pocket and pushed it up under my flak jacket in the front. I could not reach the ones on the right side so I yelled at the Marines to throw me some battle dressings. There must have been 3-4 landed in or around my hole. I opened one with the teeth and left hand and pushed it down my back by going through the back area. That felt good so I figured the bleeding might stop.

I yelled at the men to throw me an M-16 and some ammo. Someone through one over and I used my left hand to magazine and chamber a round. By this time the support was still going on and I could see the VC and some uniforms moving back into some of the holes straight in front of me. I aimed in with the 16 and tried to use the proper eye to aim but got all confused. So about the first magazine was all guessing where I hit over there. I loaded maybe 2-3 magazines and it jammed. I yelled for another one and about 2 came over all within about a foot or two away from me..
I loaded again and this was working better and within about 5-6 magazines this one jammed also. I pulled down the 3 rifle and finished about 10 mag's with that one.

The entire time span must have been 30 minutes maybe 45 minutes. I would time my shooting with the jets dropping their loads. It seemed to work. With most of the firing over I figures I would get out of the hole.
My legs seemed numb but with one good left hand and elbow I managed to get out on top of the hole and use my heels of the boots to slide back to the line of troops inside the tree line.
At that time others were making an attempt to get back to the med-vac zone. I believe Sgt. Stanford/Stafford to ld me to go down that trail right to our rear.
Some shooting was still going on but not much at all. I never saw the Lt. or and other MG except Nelsons (2nd. Plt MG) My platoon was farther down to my right and I was bleeding like a stuffed pig. I had torn off the battle dressing on my back (shoulder blade) and it was open about the size of a hale dollar or larger. One of the Doc's took off my flak jacket and repaired the dressing and put my flak back on to hold it in place.

There were no one left on the line of fire and all were moving to the rear. As I moved along the trail I came across Lucero. He was shot through his ear and was bleeding pretty bad. His dressing had come off and I opened another and had him hold it on his ear.

I got to the med-vac area and while the Lt. and the remainder of the platoon were on the line firing there was no security at the area. I got 4-5 Marines who were wounded and told them to face out board. As others showed up Sgt. Stanford was throwing smoke and bringing in the first helo. It got loaded and a second came in, I believe about 3-4 came in. By that time it was dusk and light was going down. I helped get others on the choppers and on the last one Sgt. Stafford started to lift me up and the door gunner pushed me off. I heard him say plain as day, "he's not wounded." Sgt. Stafford or Sgt. Dumont said bull-shit he's going. At that time I was pushed up and sit on the edge looking out as we took off for 1stMed. Bn Danang......

While sitting in the doorway the Helo Gunner tapped me on the helmet and pointed toward a Marine on the floor. He pointed to his side so I pulled a piece of uniform over a bit and I saw a hole in his side and it was bleeding pretty well. The door gunner gave me a plastic wrap from a cigarette pack and I wrapped my finger with it and stuck in inside the bullet hole to stop the bleeding.......When landing I kept my finger in place until a Corpsman saw what I was doing and he pulled my finger out slowly and covered the hole with a dressing. The look he gave me was something I saw on the wounded Marines faces when we were all scared........

Logan, I wrote this for you to see and read later in your years. It seems you might be our only grandson. Your other two uncles are not getting married any time soon and they are getting old. But just to let you know your old grandpa was not that bad when the chips were down.. If I was smart enough like Cook and took notes and pictures I could have wrote a book but here it is....and tomorrow I'll write about getting to Danang and in the US Navy Hospital Guam..........

( March 25 2014 writing ) (About 2100 I'm guessing) First one off the chopper with my finger still inside the bullet hole but as the Corpsman got us both out he gently pulled my hand away. All the time he was looking at my eyes. He looked scared to death, the way we see the men when they first get hit......but cool as can be he did his job and I was so weak I just kind of staggered over to the right away from all the movement. There must have been 20 men rushing to the aid of the wounded. I was the last one in the tent. It looked like it had 20 beds and they all were full. Most from our battle I'm guessing but others wounded from all over this strange land we called Vietnam......

I remember moving to a bed by myself and sliding up on one side of it until I had a full seat. I had a few people looking at me by then but the looks were actually hard starring like they were about to throw me out.....As I pulled my flak jacket off and dropped it to the floor they saw I had blood all over my T-shirt inside the flak jacket. By then there were 2-3 people on me at that time......Thinking about it later I believe they didn't know I was wounded at all but faking it.....after a while I was out like a light with a few needles they used on me.....

The next morning I woke up freezing. I was on a lower bunk or bed inside a convex box up against a wall. To my left and at a higher level I believed I saw Big Mac....My mouth was dry, lips seemed swollen and I could hardly speak. But I managed to turn my head and ask Big Mac. ( McCullough, Lee H. LCpl WIA ) if he was okay......over top of Big Mac I saw a person move closer to look over him to see who was talking. He looked at me and I ask Big Mac. How many times he was hit. (on the battle field I helped bandage one or two holes) but the person on the other side of Big Mac. Held up a full 5 times being hit. After that I must have passed out and the next thing I remember hot it is anyway......

A big C-141 was sitting on the tar-mat and we were being carried by stretchers inside. I never saw or heard of Big Mac. again for the remaining of my live.
The heat was at least 100 plus we were on pavement headed for where we did not our litters were hung up inside the racks by actually hooks on each end of the litter we were in and the big tail lift came up to a close the noise was so loud you couldn�??t hear anything. Once we leveled out and were over the water the lady nurses came by and I ask our destination and the lady informed me we are going to USN Hospital, Guam. I must have sleep all the way because I don't remember much of anything.......

Chain of Command
CO. - Capt. Baggett
Plt. - Cmdr. 1stLt. Wilson

Spoke to Cook on our visit to use this on my TWS site:


Lieutenant Lawerence Wilson
Sergeant Holloway Paul D. KIA
Platoon Sergeant Whiteside, Calvin J. WIA
Sergeant Stamford, Zaryl F. WIA
Sergeant Isaac, Lawerence M. WIA
Sergeant Fludd, Richard L. WIA
O'Farrell, Arthur, Platoon Radiomen, WIA


Stanley, James R. WIA
Hullihen, Ira KIA
Ezell, Jerry WIA
Callahan, Larry W
Stoker, Kenneth G. KIA
Turner, James WIA
McGinley, John Jr. WIA
Wilhelmsen, Steve WIA
Stoddard, Billy R. WIA
Saylor, Mark WIA
Sotzen, Harold J. KIA
Toy, Arthur G. WIA
LaJeunesse, Herman WIA
Metzler, Abram M. WIA
Howard, Robert W


Harris, Douglas C. Moose
Perkins, Larry W.
Berge, David, Thin Men WIA
Cobbs, Bruce WIA -----KIA 25 March 1968
Prescott, Glen S. WIA DEC. 2011....?
Welsh, Edward J.
Lucero, Lionel WIA
Murphy, Michael KIA
Sellers, Stephen M. WIA
Grewelding, Wallace WIA
Chambers, Leroy WIA
Paris, Williams WIA
Maldonado, Robert P. (SS)
Taylor, Charles N. III KIA
Norris, Glen G.
McCullough, Lee H.

Mirales, Evaristo WIA
Soubble, Jerome WIA
Cuch, Herman R. "Chief" WIA
O'Neil, Vaugn T. KIA
Sittmann, Paul J.
Boone, Jim WIA
Stoddard, Billy, The Kid WIA
Freeman, James WIA
Rogers, Steven WIA
Sanders, Harold WIA
Serrato, Raul B. "Chino"
Calderon, Leonard A.
Williams, Jackie G. WIA
Gennai, Monte J. WIA


Section Leader, Dumont, Gerald N. WIA


Eric Nevatie WIA
Goodman, Terry L
Brower, Donald H. KIA
Moore, Ronald Allen KIA
Jones, Michael J. WIA
WIA Niedringhaus, John
Barela, Refujio M. "Cookie" WIA DEC. 22 Aug. 2010
Keeton, Ward WIA
Duran, Felix WIA
Steven Aguilar WIA
Marty Martinez WIA
James, Herman E.
Williams, Eddie. KIA


Leader, Boyd, Jonathan WIA
Perry, James F. WIA
Pridemore, Keith G.
Rahm, Ira B. WIA
Porter, William J.


Doc, Bernard McNallen
Doc, Gibbs, Larry
Doc, Warren*
Doc, John Wilkersen
Doc, Bobby Cash
Doc Milroy
Doc Stafford

My Photos For This Unit
1st. Plt. India 3/7 Plt. Commander
Company Promotions after OP Foster
Shower & Shave
Cpl. Cook Barela
648 Members Also There at Same Time
I Co

Gaston, John, Sgt, (1964-1970) 3 0311 Sergeant
Posey, Robert Lee, Sgt, (1963-1967) 3 0311 Sergeant
Triske, Richard Frank, Sgt, (1966-1968) 3 0311 Sergeant
Williamson, Joel Stephen, Sgt, (1964-1967) 3 0311 Sergeant
Bates, James, Cpl, (1966-1967) 3 0311 Corporal
Burns, Jjerry, Cpl, (1965-1968) 3 0311 Corporal
Czerniejewski, Richard, Sgt, (1968-1970) 3 0311 Corporal
Eklofe, Samuel Alvin, Cpl, (1967-1969) 3 0311 Corporal
Esters, Charles, Cpl, (1965-1967) 3 0311 Corporal
Garcia, Sabino, Cpl, (1964-1967) 3 0311 Corporal
Gentry, Roy, GySgt, (1965-1985) 3 0311 Corporal
Hannah, Charles Mitchell, Cpl, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Corporal
Hullihen, Ira Henry, Cpl, (1966-1967) 3 0311 Corporal
Lyons, James Andrew, Cpl, (1965-1968) 3 0311 Corporal
Petersen, Mark Carson, Cpl, (1966-1967) 3 0311 Corporal
Seguin, Charles, Cpl, (1966-1969) 3 0311 Corporal
Stanton, James Russell, Cpl, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Corporal
Withers, Leon, SSgt, (1966-1970) 3 0311 Corporal
Croke, Robert Stanley, LCpl, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Fields, Bruce, LCpl, (1966-1969) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Gaskin, David William, LCpl, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Hall, Richard Le Roy, LCpl, (1966-1968) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Hively, Robert Lynn, LCpl, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
McLean, Alex Leon, LCpl, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Murphy, Michael, LCpl, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Rhodes, James Robert, LCpl, (1965-1967) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Sigler or Zigler, Ron, LCpl, (1965-1969) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Sotzen, Harold James, LCpl, (1966-1967) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Synkowski, Valentine John, LCpl, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Thomas, James Calven, SSgt, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Van De Walle, Gregory Jerome, LCpl, (1967-1967) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Wilson, Robert Bruce, LCpl, (1966-1967) 3 0311 Lance Corporal
Capezio, Francis John, PFC, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Cobb, Bruce Alan, PFC, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Fewell, Chester Decatur, PFC, (1965-1967) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Garcia, Richard, PFC, (1966-1967) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Jones, Cecil Lee, PFC, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Keen, Edwin Thomas, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Levang, Cleo Larry, PFC, (1966-1968) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Lockhart, Clarence, PFC, (1966-1967) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
McCarthy, Timothy, PFC, (1966-1970) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
O'Neil, Vaughn Thomas, PFC, (1967-1967) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Perry, Earnest, PFC, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Price, Thomas Gordon, PFC, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Tate, Fennell, PFC, (1966-1967) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Taylor, Charles Minor, PFC, (1967-1967) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Toyias, Charles Leslie, PFC, (1968-1968) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Wilson, Edwin Eugene, PFC, (1966-1967) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Wilson, Thomas Leslie, PFC, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Worley, Kenneth Lee, LCpl, (1967-1968) 3 0311 Private 1st Class
Johnson, Roosevelt, Pvt, (1967-1969) 3 0311 Private
Lesaine, Jimmy Wilson, Pvt, (1968-1969) 3 0311 Private
Williams, James, LtCol, (1966-1993) 3 0302 Lieutenant Colonel
Hale, Terrell William, 2ndLt, (1967-1968) 3 0302 Second Lieutenant
Holloway, Paul David, SSgt, (1953-1967) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Tully, Robert Edward, SSgt, (1956-1968) 3 0369 Staff Sergeant
Barela, Cook, Sgt, (1966-1971) 3 0331 Sergeant
Fultz, Robert, Sgt, (1966-1968) 3 0331 Sergeant
Donovan, Eddie, Cpl, (1968-1969) 3 0331 Corporal

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