Photo Album of Merrell, Louis Raymond, Sgt
337 - 348 of 348 images
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337 -348 of 348 images
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Ten Man Squad
346 of 348
from  Ten Man Squad  album
1943 (above) L to R. Stuart Campbell (KIA on Bougainville) - Kenneth Frantz - Richie Spath - Rusty Tratebas - Thor Thostenson (KIA Iwo Jima) - Norman Korsmeyer - Bill Carroll - R.D. McDowell - Tex Strohmeyer - Ray Merrell 1997 1997 (below) L to R - Tex Strohmeyer, Ray Merrell, Bill Carroll, Norman Korsmeyer, Rusty Tratebas. (Click on picture for better view).
posted By Merrell, Louis Raymond, Sgt
Jan 18, 2009

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