Dixon, Eugene, GySgt

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Last Rank
Gunnery Sergeant
Last Primary MOS
2591-Operational Communication Chief
Last MOSGroup
Primary Unit
1950-1951, 2511, 1st Bn, 5th Marines (1/5)
Service Years
1946 - 1966
Voice Edition
Gunnery Sergeant
Five Hash Marks

 Last Photo 
 Personal Details 

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Year of Birth
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Contact Info
Home Town
Traverse City, Michigan
Last Address
509 S Birch Street Apt213
Kalkaska. Michigan 49646
Date of Passing
Mar 03, 2022

 Official Badges 

USMC Retired Pin

 Unofficial Badges 

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)1st Marine Division AssociationThe Chosin FewYagle Brothers; Detachment 165
Chapter 38
  1967, Marine Corps Association and Foundation (MCA&F)
  2001, 1st Marine Division Association
  2002, The Chosin Few
  2010, Marine Corps League, Yagle Brothers; Detachment 165 (Traverse City, Michigan)
  2011, Korean War Veterans Association (KWVA), Chapter 38 (Traverse City, Michigan)

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Korean War/First UN Counteroffensive (1951)/Operation Killer
From Month/Year
February / 1951
To Month/Year
March / 1951

The 2nd Division jumped-off on "Operation Killer" on 22 February. The initial advance was slow, not so much due to resistance as to terrain. The sector assigned to the 2nd Division presented enormous problems. However, by 1700 hours both the 9th and 38th Infantry Regiments had reached the Chuchon River where swift waters and a lack of bridges delayed crossing. The engineers constructed a foot bridge for immediate use of the 9th Infantry and, in the 23rd Infantry Regiment's zone of advance, tanks of the regimental tank company were used to ferry people to the north bank. The 9th Infantry ran into moderate resistance on 23 February but with all three battalions teaming up, an enemy force of 2,000 was routed, dispersed to the north, leaving their dead and wounded behind. The Second Battalion of the 23rd Infantry, with the 37th Infantry FA Bn attached, moved east into the 7th Division zone on 26 February in preparation for an attack on the following day on Ungyo-ri, an important town on the Hoengsong-Pangnimni road. The 9th Infantry, after securing Haanhung-ni, west of Ungyo-ri, sent a battalion eastward along the road in anticipation of an enemy withdrawal from Ungyo-ri when the Second Battalion of the 23rd Infantry launched its assault. The evening of this last day of February found the 2nd Division in positions astride the Hoengsong-Pangnimni road in its sector and preparing to continue its advance to Phase Line Arizona which paralleled the road roughly 7,000 meters to the north. Ahead of the Division were strong elements of the 17th and 18th CCF Divisions and lesser elements of the III and V North Korean Corps which were retreating slowly to the north in the face of the grinding X Corps offensive. Intelligence reports indicated the foe intended to delay the advance as much as possible while he prepared fixed defenses north of the 38th parallel. "Operation Ripper," was designed to carry UN forces to the 38th Parallel. Similar to "Operation Killer" it aimed at maximum destruction of enemy personnel and equipment with minimal friendly casualties. It wasn't the character of the opposition so much, although at times throughout the month it was fanatic and as strong as any ever faced. It was the terrain, coupled with alternate spring thaws, rains and days of sub-zero freezes which hampered every activity and wrought unprecedented burdens on every unit and operation. The operation concluded by the end of March.             
My Participation in This Battle or Operation
From Month/Year
February / 1951
To Month/Year
March / 1951
Last Updated:
Mar 16, 2020
Personal Memories
My Photos From This Battle or Operation
No Available Photos

  76 Also There at This Battle:
  • Andresevic, Bill, LtCol, (1947-1965)
  • Bates, Hugh, Sgt, (1949-1952)
  • Brockish, Robert, LtCol, (1949-1974)
  • Cannon, Roy, SSgt, (1948-1952)
  • Crites, William, SSgt, (1948-1952)
  • Goessl, Kenneth, Cpl, (1948-1955)
  • Irons, Ralph, Sgt, (1946-1951)
  • Kramer, Raymond, PFC, (1949-1953)
  • McCormick, Vincent, Sgt, (1949-1952)
  • Spinicchia, Salvatore, Cpl, (1946-1953)
  • Tsegeletos, George, Cpl, (1950-1954)
  • Tucker, Charles, SSgt, (1949-1960)
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