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Plan a TWS Event

Would you like to meet fellow Together We Served members? Our Air Force members have a group that plans a reunion every year at various locations throughout the country. TWS itself has had a yearly reunion for all service branches.

Have you ever thought of having a local TWS event? You would be surprised at how many members live in your area. Many of our members get together for lunch or coffee at least once a month.

Whether it's just for coffee or a big get together for the year, planning is the key.

Big Events
1. Pick the place - When planning a big event, the place is your starting point. You want somewhere with interesting things to do and see. If possible, have at least one event on your calendar that involves history and/or the military. (A tour of a museum, or local historic place.)

2. Find the hotel - Many hotels offer group rates for military functions. Here is where you have to be careful. Before signing any contract with a hotel, understand their booking and cancellation policies. Look for one that will allow you to drop the rooms on hold if they are not filled by a certain time without penalty. Put on hold the least amount you can get away with and still get a good rate. Keep in mind that booking and filling a certain number of rooms will get you free access to a meeting room. If you don't book your quota, you may have to rent the room. Be sure you put on hold at least one handicap accessible room.

When looking for a hotel, it's best to do some recon. If you can't do it yourself, send someone local to talk to the Group Sales Manager and get a tour of the facilities. Take pictures so you can compare them. Does it have a nice restaurant or banquet facilities? Ask to see them. If they are open, have lunch. Test the waters. Does it provide a secure parking garage or lot? Do you have to pay for parking? Does it have free Wi-fi? Are the rooms clean and in good condition? Do you smell mold? Are the grounds easily accessible to someone who may be in a wheelchair or have trouble walking?

3. Something to do - Most TWS events are at least two days long with a group event planned. Look around for something interesting that you think a group of military people would enjoy doing. Historic sites, museums, tours are always a good thing to do but make sure you consider transportation costs and tickets. Check with the location and see if they have group rates. Most museums will provide a guided tour if you go as a group.

4. Banquet or meal - if it's a small group, it's usually easier and less expensive to find a local restaurant that has a nice room for larger groups. If it's a larger group, get the price of the meal set so you can let the members know.

5. Extras- Name tags and souvenirs. Let Admin know how many are going to be in your group and we can get name tags for you. We've also done pens, coffee mugs and challenge coins at past events.

6. Registration Fee - It is up to you if you want to charge a fee to register for the event. It is one way to make sure that any penalties for cancellations don't come out of your pocket.

Small Events
Choose a central location for lunch. Ask members to confirm attendance so you know how many to expect. Make a reservation. Remind members a few days before the event. Make some new friends and have some fun.