TWS Member Comment

"So far, it has been a great experience, but it has also been a very sobering experience. I've reconnected with some friends that I haven't seen in a while. It has also made me sort back through some memories, and getting them down on paper (so to speak) has also been good. I've made a point of reaching out to some people that I've crossed paths with, so hopefully, I'll do a better job of keeping those relationships intact. Frankly, I suck at such things, but as I get older, I'm finding that it means something.
I've taken the opportunity to become more involved with TWS as a volunteer. That has been the sobering piece. Looking at profiles of the young people who are no longer with us does make you think. I've also had the opportunity to put profiles together for those who died as POWs. I've recently been focusing on putting together assisted profiles for both friends and family members. It has also been sobering but for different reasons. It's a privilege to be able to create profiles. We, the military, sacrifice an awful lot, and in a lot of cases, it's done without anybody back home knowing about it. I can only hope that these profiles will be there when someone wants to find out what the military is about."
Served 1970-1991