TWS Member Comment

Together We Served is the best military-oriented network site I've found. The total reason I joined was to find former colleagues with whom I had long lost contact. But as I looked closer, I realized it is a living history. What I enjoy the most is going through profiles of those who were in WW II, Korea, Vietnam, and current conflicts and have taken the time and effort to document them in Reflections and Voices. I especially enjoy the photos of their careers they posted along with those stories. I have come in contact again with colleagues that I had long-lost contact with. In one case, when a colleague of mine was searching for one of his friends he'd last seen in 1972, I was able to link them up. I've also met some great people with a similar background to mine. A big thank you to the people of TWS for creating this site. I recommend it to others and I also encourage them to create their own history, whether they were in the military for a short time or made it a career.
SMSgt Charles Herring, US Air Force (Ret)
Served 1960-1987