August 13-15, 2009
Washington DC/Quantico, VA

We are proud to announce the Second Annual Official TWS Get-Together!  This year's event is a follow up to an incredibly successful event last year - Island Storm 2008 - where a large group of Marines descended upon Parris Island South Carolina for 3 days of fun, camaraderie and a return to their military roots where it all started for many of them aboard The Island. 

This year's event, Capital Storm, is again hosted and coordinated by the crew, but with the event being held in our Nation's Capital it's likely of interest to all so we're proud to invite all TWS members to attend.

The focus this year is on our shared military heritage and remembering those who have gone before. 

Below is a complete schedule of events and links to additional information and online registration. 

The  "Official TWS" events are professionally coordinated tours with first rate service to be enjoyed by all.  If you've attended  and enjoyed a locally coordinated get together, please consider taking it to the next level by attending Capital Storm 2009! 

Registration includes:
                      • Polo shirt with Capital Storm embroidered logo
                      • Picnic Throw blanket with embroidered logo
                      • Registration tote with logo
                      • Registration lunch/reception on Thursday
                      • Free drink and hors d'oeuvres at Paddy’s Steakhouse and Pub on Thursday night
                      • Tour of the Pentagon
                      • Performance by the Marine Corps Silent Drill Team at Marine Barracks 8th and I
                      • Catered deli picnic at the Marine Corps War Memorial
                      • Changing of the Guard at Arlington National Cemetery
                      • Plated, full service dinner banquet at the National Museum of the Marine Corps with hors d’oeuvres, open bar, live DJ music, dancing and door prizes.
                      • Tour bus transportation from Wytestone Suites to all D.C. portions of the event

Event Itinerary:

Thursday, August 13, 2009
14:00 - 20:00 Registration Reception
Where: Wytestone Suites of Potomac Mills
14525 Gideon Drive
Woodbridge, Virginia 22192
 (703) 490-4100

20:00 - approx 22:00 Opening Gathering
Where: Paddy's Steakhouse and Pub
9 Center St., Stafford VA 22556
(540) 657-4900

Friday, August 14, 2009
11:00 Bus Departure for Washington D.C. Trip
Where: Wytestone Suites of Potomac Mills
13:00 Guided Tour of the Pentagon
15:00 Catered Deli Picnic at the Marine Corps War Memorial
16:00 Changing of the Guard/Tomb of the Unknown - Arlington National Cemetery
18:30 Security Check In for 8th and I Performance
18:30-22:00 8th & I Silent Drill Team Performance, Marine Barracks
22:00 Bus Departure for return to Wytestone Suites

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Free Morning
*Optional; Wounded Warrior Visit (limited seating) Bethesda Naval Hospital
18:30 hours Exhibits Open at National Museum of the Marine Corps - exclusively for Capital Storm Participants (Coat & Tie event)
19:30-20:30 Hors D’evours served, Bar is open
20:30 Colors Ceremony, Dinner is served
21:00 Guest Speaker Comments
21:30 Bar Closes
22:30 Event Closing Ceremony

Short notice, please register before 12 June 2009!

Registration Incentive: The first 10 paid registrations from any site other than Marines.TWS will be entered in a drawing to win free hotel accommodations for Capital Storm 2009 at the Wytestone Suites from Thursday, August 12th through Saturday, August 15th, 2009.  Drawing will be conducted (names in a hat style) on 15 June 2009.  Winners will be notified by email and/or phone and posted to this forum thread. 

Single Registration: $249.00 Click Here for SINGLE Registration with Credit Card.

Couple's (Discounted) :  $475 (1 picnic blanket only)  Click Here for a COUPLES Registration with Credit Card

Registration does not include hotel accommodations.

Once registered, email confirmation will be sent from TWS and to collect further information for event.

Registrations also accepted by Check sent/payable to:
TWS Events
P.O. Box 50
Bryantsville, KY 40410

Attendance is limited to a maximum of 180. 

Suggested Lodging/Headquarters Hotel:
Wytestone Suites of Potomac Mills
14525 Gideon Drive
Woodbridge, Virginia 22192
 (703) 490-4100

*Discounted Room Rate Available: A suite with two double beds or a king size bed is just $103.99/night plus tax for two occupants, each extra adult is $10. Call the numbers above to book and give them the discount code: Capital Storm.
Cancellation Policy for Capital Storm 2009: Reservations paid by credit card cancelled before June 12th will be refunded at 90%, reservations paid by check canceled before June 12th will be refunded at 100%. Any reservations canceled after June 12th will be refunded at 50%.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Please contact me directly with any questions you may have.

Maj Wes Prater (USMC/Ret)
General Administrator, Co-Founder -
(859) 329-1871

Photos from Island Storm 2008!

Participating Sponsors this year include:
