This Military Service Page was created/owned by
Sgt Joseph Madagan (Madman)
to remember
Marine Sgt Edgar A Harrell.
If you knew or served with this Marine and have additional information or photos to support this Page, please leave a message for the Page Administrator(s) HERE.
I'm traveling all over the USA selling my book "Out of the Depths" and telling my story and experience of God's Providence in my life as it relates to my surviving the largest casualty at sea in the history of the US Navy, in the sinking of the USS Indianapolis, July 30, 1945-- I have been in 27 states since my book came out in 2005.
Other Comments:
Edgar Harrell owned and operated the Pella Window Company, Inc., Rock Island, Illinois for thirty-five years until his retirement in 1985. During the years 1970 to 1985, he served on the board of trustees of the Moody Bible Institute, in Chicago, Illinois, and has been a popular Bible teacher and lay minister throughout his adult life. He has enjoyed many years of fishing and big game hunting in the Rocky Mountains from Alaska to New Mexico, and currently resides in Paris, Tennessee with his wife Ola, together enjoying their two children, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. As a survivor of the USS Indianapolis (, Mr. Harrell speaks extensively around the United States about his experience at sea.